web hit counter Weekend trending wet – See The Stars

Weekend trending wet

(SOUTHERN COLORADO) – A storm coming in from the four corners looks to be far enough south to bring some impacts to southern Colorado this weekend.

Over the next several days we will watch the trend north or south of the storm circulation very closely. 50 miles in either direction will make a big difference, either bringing in significant moisture for more areas of if it ends up a bit farther south or keeping most of the moisture in northern Colorado if ends up a bit farther north.

As of this writing on Wednesday morning areas north of highway 50, particularly Saturday afternoon and evening, look to get the heaviest moisture in southern Colorado. Some of the rain may end up between 1/2″ and 1″ by early Sunday. Snow levels dropping Saturday night is likely to mean snow for Pikes Peak and an interesting trek up America’s Mountain Sunday morning for those participation in the Pikes Peak Marathon.

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