web hit counter The 5 foods that could slash your risk of dementia by 28% – and red wine and chocolate are on the list – See The Stars

The 5 foods that could slash your risk of dementia by 28% – and red wine and chocolate are on the list

EATING dark chocolate and drinking red wine could lower your risk of dementia, new research suggests.

Led by a team of researchers at Queen’s University Belfast, the study reported that consuming more flavonoid-rich foods and drinks could help reduce the risk of developing the incurable illness by 28 per cent.

a variety of fruits and vegetables including strawberries cherries blackberries and peas

Eating foods high in flavonoids my decrease your risk of developing dementia by 28 per cent[/caption]

a woman wrapped in a blanket is drinking a glass of wine

They include berries, as well as red wine and chocolate[/caption]

At present, there are around 1 million people in the UK living with a form of dementia.

This figure is projected to rise to 1.4 million people by 2040.

While age and genetics contribute substantially to whether someone develops the disease, researchers found that diet can also play an important role in prevention.

They said flavonoids – compounds primarily found in deeply coloured plants, fruits and vegetables – can have a range of health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

They’ve also been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, as well as improved cognitive function.

Early-stage studies in animals indicate that flavonoids may help block the build-up of beta-amyloid plaque – a trademark of Alzheimer’s – in the brain

Flavonoid-rich foods and drinks include:

  1. Berries
  2. Leafy greens
  3. Tea
  4. Red wine
  5. Dark chocolate

The study – published in JAMA Network Open – was led by Prof Aedin Cassidy, Co-Centre for Sustainable Food Systems and Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s.

She said: “The worldwide prevalence of dementia continues to increase rapidly.

“In this population-based cohort study, we analysed dietary data from over 120,000 adults aged between 40 and 70 years from the UK Biobank.

“Our findings show that consuming six additional servings of flavonoid-rich foods per day, in particular berries, tea and red wine, was associated with a 28 per cent lower risk of dementia.

“The findings were most noticeable in individuals with a high genetic risk as well as those with symptoms of depression.”

The greatest risk reduction was observed in participants consuming at least two of the following per day: five cups of tea, one glass of red wine, and half a normal serving of berries, compared with those who did not consume any.

First author of the study, Dr Amy Jennings, from the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s said: “These results provide a clear public health message as they suggest that a simple measure such as increasing daily consumption of flavonoid-rich foods may lower dementia risk, especially in populations at high risk.

“Currently, there is no effective treatment for the disease so preventive interventions to improve health and quality of life, and reduce social and economic costs, should continue to be a major public health priority.”

Foods that up your risk of dementia

Flavonoid-rich foods may have a protective effect on the the brain – but studies show that certain foods may also be a risk factor in dementia.

Here are some foods that may increase your risk:

Processed red meat

Consuming two servings of processed red meat each week has been linked to 14 per cent a higher risk of cognitive decline.

Swapping out bacon and sausages with a serving of nuts, beans or tofu every day may lower the risk of dementia by 20 per cent.

Ultra-processed food

Ultra-processed foods (UPF) – which contain flavourings, preservatives, emulsifiers and thickeners and have been heavily altered from their natural state – have been linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and developing dementia.

They include fizzy drinks, biscuits, sweets, ready meals and crisps.

Researchers estimated that replacing 10 per cent of UPFs you eat with minimally processed or unprocessed food could reduce your risk of developing dementia by 19 per cent.


Sugar is believed to increase the risk of dementia.

Having lots of sugar in any form, including fruit juice, cakes, and chocolate, makes people 54 per cent more likely to develop the condition, a US study found.


According to Alzheimer’s Society, evidence shows that excessive alcohol consumption increases a person’s risk of developing dementia.

Boozing is linked to reduced volume of the brain’s white matter, which helps to transmit signals between different brain regions, leading to issues in brain function, the charity explained.

Over a long period of time, drinking more than the recommended limit of 14 units of alcohol a week “may shrink the parts of the brain involved in memory”.

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