web hit counter Since my dad was killed in a hit and run, my life hasn’t been worth living – See The Stars

Since my dad was killed in a hit and run, my life hasn’t been worth living

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE my dad was killed in a hit and run while I was on the phone to him, I’ve been feeling suicidal.

We were very close and I miss him so much. I feel like nobody understands, including my girlfriend, but I have nobody else to talk to.

He and my mum divorced when I was small and she didn’t have a good word to say about him.

I’m 24 and my girlfriend is 23. My dad was 50 when he died, two months ago.

When the accident happened, he was in the street outside a pub, and had called me to see how I was. I heard it all.

The driver who hit him didn’t stop and hasn’t been traced yet, as it was a stolen car.

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I can’t cope. I’m not sleeping, have no appetite and feel there’s no point going on. 

Sometimes I have flashbacks to the accident. I can’t stop thinking about how sudden and shocking it was.

Please help. 



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DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve experienced not only a terrible loss but a shocking and horrible trauma, so it’s not surprising you’re finding it hard to cope.

My support pack on Bereavement will help you to navigate your grief and also contains sources of help. Check out Sue Ryder for free counselling (sueryder.org) because talking to someone is really important. 

Your girlfriend may not understand exactly what you’ve been through, but if she loves you she will want to help. Try not to shut her out. 

For help with your trauma – you may have PTSD – contact Assist Trauma Care (assisttraumacare.org.uk, tel: 01788 551919). 

And if you ever feel suicidal, do contact the Samaritans (www.samaritans.org, tel: 116 123) or text SHOUT to 85258.

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