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Quickies in the staff room with my boss have got me nowhere

DEAR DEIDRE: RISKING my reputation with quickies in the storeroom, staff car park and staff room has completely backfired now my boss has dumped me by text. And I’m furious.

I’m a supermarket worker who’s been having a fling with one of my managers for three years. 

At 41 he’s six years older than me but is so fit you’d never know. He’s married but that didn’t stop him flirting with me when he gave me the Employee Of The Month award. 

I got the award because I helped a customer who was having a terrible panic attack. The man thought he was having a heart attack and I managed to calm him down until paramedics arrived.

The man was terrified so I was given a special award by the company. 

A couple of days later my boss asked me out for a drink and we ended up kissing in his car.

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I wanted more but thought it was probably a one-off. How wrong I was. 

Soon after, he sent me a text asking me to stay behind after the shop closed. That night we had sex in his office.

That was the start of a crazy affair. He said he didn’t get along with his wife, saying, “I wish I’d met you years ago.”

The sex was regular and incredible. We admitted we loved one another.

Then last week he didn’t come into work. He wasn’t answering my messages, then my colleague told me he was on holiday – with his wife. He hadn’t said a word about any holiday.

He eventually messaged me saying he was having a breakdown, he was committing to his wife and our affair was over.

I’ve called in sick. I can’t face work. I’m heartbroken and I feel like such a fool.



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DEIDRE SAYS: You went into this with your eyes wide open. There may have been cracks in his marriage but sometimes, people manipulate a situation for their own ends. 

He made you feel as if you were the best person in the world but now he’s shown his true colours.

He’s not been honest. He was getting closer to being rumbled so he’s ended your relationship.

To find love and happiness you’d be better off finding someone who is available. My support pack Your Lover Not Free explains more about how we can get duped and what the outcome may be.

It would be good if you could walk back into work with your head held high. He’s simply not worth you moping around over.

My support pack called Mend Your Broken Heart will show you how.

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