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Kingsley-Pierson School Board Minutes — September 9, 2024






The meeting was called to order by acting President; Megan Plendl at 7:00 p.m. 


Present Members: Plendl, Herbold, Wilcox, Motz and Bahl. 


Motion was brought by Herbold, seconded by Motz to approve the agenda. All voted aye, motion carried. 


Motion was made by Herbold, seconded by Motz to approve the regular August meeting and special meeting September 4th meeting. All voted aye, motion carried. 


An explanation of invoices was sent to the Board before the meeting. The Board 

Motion by Herbold, seconded by Bahl to approve listed bills in the amounts of 

$195,585.98 from the general fund, $61,206.85 from schoolhouse, $160.20 from lunch fund and $11,795.15 from the Kingsley activity fund. All voted aye, motion carried. 


August revenue is low due to no property tax payments and state payments. The expenses for the month are consistent with last year’s expenses. The year-to-date expenses compared to last year’s expenses at this time are $225,431 more. The MidStates Bank interest rate offered at 4.56% for August. This is .50 basis points under the ISJIT rate of 5.06%. Motion by Herbold, seconded by Motz to approve the financial report. All voted aye, motion carried. 


Mr. Brand 

Mr. Brand discussed with the students the expectations for the school year. We are implementing new science curriculum and continuing for Intro to Lit and IM Math. Middle School Voted for student council at the beginning of September. Student council has an additional role this year, they will be reading the announcements each morning. We will hold a moment of silence and we announce the timeline of events to describe the September 11th attacks. We will do this on Wednesday through the morning to teach the students all of 

what happened 23 years ago. Thank you to our Booster club for providing $20 to each staff member and t-shirts for each staff member and student. Our emergency drills are all finished for the Fall and the kids and staff did a wonderful job. Volleyball had their first game on September 12th against Lawton-Bronson. Volleyball has a game in Pierson Thursday night. Football will have their first game on Thursday, September 26th in Kingsley at 4:00pm. We currently have 21 Volleyball girls and 29 KP football players. 

Mr. Wiese 

Mr. Wiese talked about Day 11 completed at KP. HS “3 Week” Grades on 9/12/24. Grandparents/Special Friends Day was a success. A special Thank You to Megan Thompson for organizing this day for the 4th year. Thank you to Kathy Ploeger, Kim Saxen and Student Council for the Book Fair and Photo Booth. This event raised $5,000 in sales going back to support the Kingsley libraries. Thank you to the Booster Club for their appreciation to staff and students. Testing for the FAST K-4 (Formative Assessment Solutions for Teachers in Reading and Math is almost completed. 

A new law passed for students K-6th grade for Personalized Reading Plans. Check out the Panther Brag Board in the commons showcasing student’s work. Tornado and Fire drills complete for the semester. Homecoming 2024 the week of Sept. 23-28. The candidates are Preston Benson, Liam Dunne, Jacob Kraft and Kevin Wright. Brooklyn Beelner, Karah Hill, Sidney Krosch, and Jordyn Sitzmann. The events include Super Class Night on 9/24 at 7, Coronation on 9/26 at 7, Parade and game on 9/27 and the Dance on 9/28. Play Auditions held this afternoon and evening. The play, “Just another HS Play” will be November 1st and 2nd. HS Events: VB tomorrow, FB on 9/13/24 and XC on 10/8. There are new guidance from the State regarding Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism. Mr. Wiese will follow-up in the future with additional information. 

Mr. Bailey 

Mr. Bailey invited Alexa Neumann and Dawn Wilcox to the board meeting. They introduced themselves and talked about their previous experience and families. Mr. Wiese thanked them both for a great start of the year. Dr. Taylor Kempers presented the grant partnership with Beyond the Bell for before and after school program. The program is funded through December 2024 and Dr. Kempers is working on an extension for the program. Mr. Bailey explained the several reports due by September 16th including CSIP, TAG, CASA, ELI, Transportation, Title I and Assurances for Proper Test Administration. The student count date is coming up and it looks like the count is about even from last year. There was a CO2 sensor in the Boiler room and the sensor is fixed. Upcoming conventions include the IASB convention from November 20-22. 

8. OLD BUSINESS – None at this time 


Late Filed Open Enrollment: 

Motion by Herbold, seconded by Motz to deny the late filed open enrollment application. All voted aye, motion carried. 

Space Settlement Design Competition: 

Motion by Herbold, seconded by Wilcox to approve to send students on the NASA trip. Herbold, Wilcox and Motz in favor. Bahl opposed. Motion carried. 

A La Cart Prices: 

Mr. Bailey asked to table the discussion until the October meeting due to meeting with Lunchtime Solutions and staff regarding prices. Motion by Motz, seconded by Herbold to table the discussion of the A La Cart lunch prices until the October meeting. All voted aye, motion carried. 


None at this time 

Contract Recommendation(s): 

Motion by Herbold, seconded by Motz to approve Jill Bobolz, HS Play, Doyle Struve and Steve Schroeder as Sub Bus Drivers, Kimberlee Hackett and Michelle Cronin as Aides. All voted aye, motion carried. 

Facility Projects/Update: 

Mr. Bailey worked with The InterLocal Purchasing System to receive bids for the high school science rooms. One bid was received from Eakes Office Solutions for $107,056.67. Motion by Bahl, seconded by Wilcox to receive a second bid from Marcus Lumber. Motion by Bahl, seconded by Motz to strike Marcus Lumber from the previous motion. All voted aye, motion carried. 

Activity Driving Meal Reimbursement: 

Motion by Herbold, seconded by Bahl to increase the bus driver meal reimbursement from $10 to $15 per meal. All voted aye, motion carried. 

Fundraiser Request(s): 

None at this time 

9. OTHER BUSINESS – None at this time 


Motion by Bahl, seconded by Motz to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. All voted aye, motion carried. 


Laurie Schweitzberger, Board Secretary 


Megan Plendl, Acting President 

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