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I’m hiding my eating disorder and rapid weight loss from my boyfriend

DEAR DEIDRE: MY boyfriend says I’ve become a different person since I started losing weight. 

But what he doesn’t know is that I fear I’ve developed an eating disorder.

I’m 24 and he’s 26. We’ve been together for two years. 

When I first started losing weight, it was intentional because I was a bit overweight. But now I can’t stop dieting.

I restrict my food and have trained myself to only eat one tiny meal a day. I also weigh myself several times a day, and exercise whenever I can to burn off the calories.

Lately, I’ve noticed I feel cold all the time, have no energy and no interest in socialising – especially as it usually involves eating and drinking. 

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I’ve been hiding my weight loss under baggy clothes and never letting my boyfriend see me naked.

He’s bound to realise soon, and I know he’ll be worried and try to make me stop – but I don’t want to.

Although I know this isn’t good for me, I’m not ready to stop. I keep telling myself that I can lose just a few more pounds, then I’ll start eating normally again. 

But I’m starting to worry I’m not in control anymore, and I’m scared. 



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DEIDRE SAYS: It does sound like you have all the signs of an eating disorder, which could be anorexia, so it’s brave of you to ask for help before you make yourself seriously ill.

It’s almost impossible to deal with this alone. You need professional help. 

Please reach out to Beat (beateatingdisorders.org.uk) who can help you, and won’t judge you.

Also read my support pack about Eating Disorders which has more information. 

Do try talking to your boyfriend honestly if you can, and tell him you need his support while you get help with this.

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