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I feel exhausted and depressed since renovation work started on my house

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE renovation work started on my house late last year I have developed flu-like symptoms.

I’m very stressed as the house is still not finished.

I’m tired all the time and just want to sleep. I have panic attacks, depression and anxiety but several blood tests found nothing to be wrong.

I am always blowing my nose. The doctor thinks it is down to my depression and anxiety.

I feel rubbish every day. I don’t even want sex. I have no energy and cannot be bothered to eat unless food is cooked for me.

I am nearly 63. I feel like giving in as I’ve had enough of everything.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’ve worked with Dr Zoe Williams, our resident specialist and practising NHS GP on your email.

She suggests your symptoms could be caused by depression, burnout or other mental health conditions, or physical health problems – including infection, or any chronic disease.

It is interesting your symptoms began around the time of your renovations – it’s worth investigating if there is a link.

Dr Zoe suggests: “You may have been exposed to something at that time that triggered an autoimmune or chronic illness, or could have been exposed to fungus or bacteria that could have triggered something.

“Chronic fatigue syndrome is another condition that fits with your symptoms.”

Please go back to your GP and ask for a second opinion.



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