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Even though she’s married, I’ve fallen head over heels for my female boss

DEAR DEIDRE: EVEN though she’s married, I can’t get my female boss out of my head.

I’m 35, she’s 32 and we both recently started work for a HR department. 

We get on well and after discovering that we lived close to each other decided to start car sharing to save petrol.

Our journey’s in together quickly became the highlight of my week and while I tried my hardest to ignore it, I started to feel an unwavering connection between us. 

Stuck in traffic, we’d play music quizzes and talked about subjects even my best friends weren’t privy to.

My feelings for her grew and I found it increasingly difficult to keep them in check .

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It didn’t help that she wasn’t shy about divulging her marital issues and complaining about her husband. She often told me how trapped she felt.

Then one night when we were out for work’s do, I’d had a few to drink and my emotions came spilling out of my mouth.

To my joy, she admitted she was absolutely besotted with me. But the very next day she said her husband was giving her lift and she’s been distant with me ever since.

Now she’s avoids me and I can’t help but worry I’ve messed it all up.



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Deidre says: Unfortunately this woman has made clear how she feels.

While she may have told you she liked you, she clearly came to her senses. She doesn’t want to jeopardise her marriage. She’s likely keeping her distance from you out of respect for her marriage.

As hard as it may be to accept, the person for you will be open and available, so it’s best you try to move on.

Remember that while she isn’t the one for you, there will be someone out there who can give you the love you deserve.

I’m sending you my support pack Finding The Love Of Your Life to help.

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