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The key phrase Emily Maitlis used to break arrogant Prince Andrew in that Newsnight interview, claims body language pro

PRINCE Andrew’s ‘car crash’ Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis hit headlines with his claims that he couldn’t sweat and Pizza Express being used for an alibi.

Body language expert Judi James has revealed the key phrase journalist Emily Maitlis used to break the Duke of York during the infamous 2019 chat.

a man in a suit sits in a chair talking to a woman
BBC supplied by Pixel8000 07917221968
Prince Andrew sat down for his infamous chat with journalist Emily Maitlis in 2019[/caption]
a woman in a brown jacket is talking to a man in a suit
BBC Newsnight
Emily used a key phrase that altered Prince Andrew’s body language, according to Judi James[/caption]
prince andrew is being interviewed by bbc newsnight
BBC Newsnight
Andrew sat down with Emily to discuss his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein[/caption]

The Duke used the interview to address his relationship with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and deny having sex with 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre.

Speaking to Fabulous, Judi shared: “Andrew’s body language during this interview suggests a man suffering from a sense of arrogance and entitlement fuelled by profound naivete.”

The body language professional pin-pointed the moment that Emily “dramatically changed his state” during her questioning by using a legal-sounding phrase.

Judi continued: “Andrew’s body language mood of regal authority and superiority changes dramatically to one of wariness and fear at the point when Emily uses the legal-sounding phrase ‘Just for the record…’ before becoming specific about pinning Andrew down on dates.

“She mentions a date ‘In 2006 in May’ and Andrew’s composure breaks. 

“His eyes narrow in wariness but then roll dramatically in performed surprise or acted exasperation. 

“Emily mentions Epstein’s arrest warrant for sexual assault and now Andrew’s head tilts back as though he’d felt a punch from the words. 

“His first barrier ritual hints at self-protection as he lifts his hand to his face and places his finger across his chin to rub it and he performs a classic tongue-poke gesture of rejection or disgust.”

Judi shared how there were two other moments where it “all went wrong” for Prince Andrew during the Newsnight chat.

Change of state

She shared how she observed his behaviour change after he spoke about the time spent with Epstein after his conviction.

Andrew’s body language mood of regal authority and superiority changes dramatically to one of wariness and fear at the point when Emily uses the legal-sounding phrase ‘Just for the record…’ before becoming specific about pinning Andrew down on dates

Judi JamesBody language expert

Andrew defended his relationship with Epstein, saying that knowing the financier had “some seriously beneficial outcomes”, but added that his reason for meeting him in 2010 was to “put an end to the friendship”.

Judi explained: “Not only does he attempt to take back control in the interview here by using his index fingers like a baton to conduct the action, he then moves into an expression of ironic humour which he seems to think is adorably self-effacing. 

a man in a suit and tie is talking
BBC Newsnight
Judi claims Andrew tried to use his hands to attempt to show his ‘control’[/caption]
a man and a woman are walking down a hallway
Andrew defended his relationship with Epstein, saying that knowing the financier had ‘some seriously beneficial outcomes’[/caption]

“His sigh of exasperation at being asked why he stayed at ‘the home of a convicted sex offender’ turns into a rather artful, crafty facial expression as he screws his features up, winces with one eye and performs a head and brow shrug before puckering his brows and his lips an a smug-looking smile of inner amusement, turning his ‘too honourable’ line into a mock question to Emily with a deep frowning stare at his ‘revealed weakness’. 

“Someone should have warned him to never take an audience for fools but he clearly felt compelled to twist negative behaviour into what he was over-selling as an adorable personality trait.”

Andrew's infamous Newsnight interview

PRINCE Andrew's painful Newsnight interview in November 2019 saw him grilled over his links with dead paedo Jeffrey Epstein, his pal Ghislaine Maxwell and allegations he had sex with a 17-year-old.

During the interview, Andrew said he had “no recollection” of meeting Virginia Giuffre – who he is alleged to have had sex with at Maxwell’s house in London.

He even provided an “alibi” claiming that the night the alleged encounter took place he was at a Pizza Express birthday party in Woking with his daughter Princess Beatrice.

Epstein committed suicide in a jail cell in August 2019, just a month after he was arrested for sex trafficking minors.

A flood of horrific accounts of his abuse of young girls then followed.

In 2022, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was jailed for 20 years for abusing and grooming dozens of girls for twisted Epstein.

The convicted sex trafficker and Andrew would allegedly flirt with each other when they hung out together on Epstein’s notorious Caribbean island Little St James, the former housekeeper has claimed.

After Maxwell’s sentence, the Duke of York was said to be the lawyers’ “next target” of a probe into the sex ring controlled by multimillionaire paedophile Epstein.

The Duke agreed to a £12million settlement with sex abuse accuser Virginia Giuffre in February 2022.

Weak excuses

The third moment Prince Andrew appeared affected by the interview – according to Judi – was when he gave the excuse that he could not have “sweated profusely”, as was claimed, due to a medical condition he said he developed while serving in the Falklands War as a Navy helicopter pilot.

Judi shared: “Andrew is at his weakest when he shows signs of feeling he was being smart and confident while looking almost cunning. 

“His ‘I don’t sweat’ excuse showed off his total lack of ability to read the room, any room.

“His projectile laugh announces his mockery of the claim he was sweating in Tramp nightclub and he holds his hand up in a gesture of re-booted control as he interrupts Emily to go into one of the most awkward moments of the interview. 

a man in a suit and tie looks at the camera
Judi claims Andrew did a ‘projectile laugh’ to show ‘mockery of the claim he was sweating in Tramp nightclub’[/caption]
a man in a suit and tie is talking with his hands outstretched
BBC Newsnight
Judi claims Andrew had a ‘do you know who I am’ body language moment[/caption]

“His finger pinch seems to try to suggest precise thought for this point as his brows pucker.

“As he clumsily ‘reminds’ Emily and the viewers of his ‘hero’ status in a ‘do you know who I am?’ moment his brows steeple as he fixes Emily with a hard stare. 

“His finger points as though writing in the air but his body language becomes incongruent here. “

The bombshell appearance has been dramatised in an upcoming Amazon Prime series A Very Royal Scandal, which is being released tonight.

a poster for a show called a very royal scandal
Amazon Prime
The Amazon Prime series A Very Royal Scandal airs tonight[/caption]

'There is no way back for Prince Andrew', claims PR guru

PRINCE Andrew’s reputation is damaged beyond repair and he will never be able to engineer a return to public life, according to one of Britain’s top PR gurus.

Brand and culture expert Nick Ede, who runs East of Eden PR agency, called the shamed royal “deluded” for thinking he could ever return to royal duties and urged him to give up and ‘enjoy his life’ in exile.

It follows the release of Scoop – a Netflix movie based on the 2019 interview he gave to Newsnight.

Nick said: “There is no way back for him. 

“I think you know this perpetual idea that he could still be back. Nobody cares. He hasn’t got fans. 

“There’s nobody out there who’s going ‘We want to see Prince Andrew’, not one single person. I think he has to realise that. But I think it’s going to take a long, long time for him to actually understand. It’s very deluded.

“In my opinion, the best thing that he could do is just enjoy his life. He’s got gorgeous daughters. He has a great relationship with Fergie, he has a lovely house. 

“Just live a quiet life.”

Reflecting on the interview five years ago – the fallout of which saw Andrew step back from royal duties “for the foreseeable future” – Nick compared the fallout to Frost vs Nixon and said he would have urged him not to do it.

He said: If I had been advising him, I would say, go quiet, be quiet, just go to ground. You know you’re a prince. Enjoy the life that you lead, but do not open this can of worms, because that’s what it is.

There was no admission that a relationship with somebody like Epstein was terribly toxic. There was no idea that there were loads of victims of trafficking whose lives were completely ruined by Epstein. He didn’t seem to think that the association he had with that man was anything but positive. 

“I think his worst gaffe was obviously being in that interview and agreeing to it in the first place, for not realising that he’s actually going to be interviewed by a very, very good journalist who is going to ask him questions which he might not like.

“But I think what this has done is really shown how archaic Prince Andrew is in his opinions and thoughts.

“Read the room. He’s never read a room at all.”

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Tragedy as two-year-old boy dies after cops rush to home in Wigan over ‘concerns for his welfare’

A TWO-year-old boy has tragically died after cops were alerted of “concerns for his welfare”.

Emergency services scrambled to Fisher Close in Wigan, Manchester, at around 2.15pm yesterday afternoon.

a row of cars are parked on the side of a street
A boy tragically died after cops rushed to Fisher Close[/caption]

The tot was rushed to hospital from the scene but despite the best efforts of paramedics he passed away, said cops.

No further details have been released by the force at this stage.

Greater Manchester Police said enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

In a statement, a GMP spokesperson said: “At around 2.15pm yesterday, officers were called to reports regarding a concern for welfare of a child on Fisher Close, Wigan.

“Sadly, despite the best efforts of paramedics, a two-year-old boy died at hospital. Enquiries are ongoing.”

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Urgent warning to dog owners over ‘flesh-eating’ disease as cases spike in UK – check 5 things to watch out for on walks

DOG owners have been urgently warned about a “flesh-eating” disease as cases have spiked in the UK.

The sickness damages a dog’s blood vessels in the skin and kidneys, which causes visible sores on the skin.

a dog wearing an orange harness is running through a grassy field
Alabama rot targets a dog’s kidneys and can be fatal[/caption]
a golden retriever wearing a black and orange harness
It’s not currently known what causes the disease[/caption]

It can then lead to severe organ dysfunction and ultimately kidney failure.

Alabama rot, otherwise known as Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV), is a very rare, potentially life-threatening disease in dogs.

Tiny blood clots form in the blood vessels which blocks them.

This causes the skin to form ulcers and severe organ dysfunction in the kidneys.

While some dogs just develop skin sores, others can develop kidney failure too.

Recovery is expected in this first group, according to vet experts Anderson Moores.

However, many dogs that get to the stage of kidney failure do not survive because of the disease.

Symptoms to look out for on your dogs include:

  • Skin sores, visible swelling, red patch or skin defects not caused by a known injury. These skin lesions typically appear below the knee or elbow, and occasionally on the face or at the bottom of the chest or abdomen.
  • Changes in appetite – reduced appetite, drinking more, vomiting and lethargy are signs of acute kidney injury.

The RSPCA have said: “Remember, the majority of visible skin lesions will not be caused by Alabama rot disease, and most cases of kidney failure will be a result of another cause.”

It added that while it’s extremely difficult to give advice about how to avoid Alabama rot, it recommends “washing off all mud following a wet and muddy walk, especially through woodland.”

If your dog begins showing symptoms, the RSPCA recommends that you “contact your vet immediately for further advice.”

It added: “If it is Alabama rot, early recognition and aggressive management are likely to have the best results.”

What causes the illness, however, is currently unknown, as is why some dogs seem to suffer more than others.

While diagnosis and treatment can be very difficult, there is active research ongoing to try and understand it more.

All that is known so far is that the disease is more common in winter and spring, and in dogs who walk in muddy, woodland areas.

While Alabama rot can affect any dog, whatever age or breed, the most affected groups have been Labradors, spaniels, and Hungarian vizslas.

Anderson Moores noted that although the disease can be very serious, the number of dogs affected with skin lesions and kidney failure is relatively low when compared to other canine illnesses.

The Winchester based vet specialist has been running research on the disease since 2012 and has a dedicated website offering advice and information, including an up-to-date map of UK cases.

Cases of Alabama Rot in the UK

Alabama Rot is an incredibly rare but potentially lethal disease that targets a dog's kidneys.

Between November 2012 and July 2021 there were just 277 confirmed cases across the UK.

91% of these cases were observed between November and May.

The UK has now seen 324 confirmed cases in total with 15 cases so far in 2024.

A live map of cases can be found on vet specialist Anderson Moores’ website.

The number of cases reported in the UK is extremely low, so there’s little reason to be worried.

Thousands of dogs are walked in the countryside every day, and it’s important to remember that only a very small number of dogs have been affected.

The threat is very low, and while there may be an environmental trigger, we can’t confirm that some areas are safer than others.

You have no need to panic, but you can visit Anderson Moores’ website for more information.

If you wish, you can also contribute to furthering research at The Alabama Rot Research Fund (ARRF).

Alabama rot is not the only disease to watch out for, however.

Five things to look out for when walking your dog

We list five things to look out for when walking your dog, according to pet insurance provider Animal Friends.

Fallen Leaves

While it’s fun to run through that pile of leaves on the floor, walking on the path beside it might be better for you and your pooch.

Hidden sticks and branches can cut or wound dogs, so don’t be tempted to throw the ball over the pile just in case!

As these leaves rot, they turn into a mouldy compost-like substance which contains bacteria and fungus, which can lead to stomach upset if your dog ingests the leaf mould.

So, make sure to clean your dog off after that cool autumn walk.


While conkers tend to fall towards the end of September, a few strays find themselves on the ground a lot earlier than the rest, so keep your eyes peeled for these hazardous seeds.

While they might seem harmless once out of their spiky shells, they can block airways and contain a chemical that’s toxic to dogs so it’s best to steer clear of any conker trees on your walks.


Most wild-growing mushrooms are harmless, however, there are a number of mushrooms that are toxic to dogs and humans.

The good thing is, most dogs will just avoid them, but any wild mushroom should be considered a risk to your dog on your walks.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.


While it might be a reminder of Christmas, the yew tree is a large, evergreen tree that can prove fatal for dogs and humans.

Their seeds are highly toxic and are hidden in a red, fleshy, edible, berry-like aril that might attract some curious sniffers.

Some florists even use yew to create wreaths at Christmas time, so be sure to avoid these.


Ivy berries are an important plant for wildlife, but they’re poisonous for dogs and people.

The berries are bitter and black when ripened. Make sure your dog doesn’t go foraging for ivy berries while out and about on your walks.

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Tipo de cambio: Precio del dólar hoy 19 de septiembre

¿Cuál es el precio del dólar hoy? Esta es toda la información financiera que debes saber este jueves 19 de Septiembre, así se encuentran las divisas y los metales en México. Tipo de cambio este 19 de septiembre Divisas Dólar Americano Compra $18.70 Venta $19.77 Dólar Canadiense Compra $14.17 Venta $14.18 Euro Compra $21.16 Venta $21.73 Dólar (Australia) $13.08 […]

La entrada Tipo de cambio: Precio del dólar hoy 19 de septiembre se publicó primero en Verás.

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‘They’re giving joie de vivre!’ Food Editor’s top Emily In Paris foodie finds for fans of the show

IF, like us, you’ve just finished binge-watching the latest drop of Emily In Paris season four, you’re probably craving a little je ne sais quoi…

Well, Fabulous’ Food Editor Kirsty Spence is serving up an amuse-bouche of merch inspired by the chic Netflix show – including much-anticipated news of Lidl’s viral croissant bag.

a black and white drawing of a woman in a black dress
Make like Emily in Paris with these foodie finds

Some much-loved foodie brands and supermarkets have launched lines of delicious products inspired by Emily’s love of all things Parisian.

There are ready-to-drink versions of her beloved Kir Royale cocktail, which is trending right now.

Or how about putting on a themed dinner party, complete with the perfect petits-fours and puds (no need to visit a patisserie!)?

Oh, and if you missed out on that viral croissant-shaped handbag from Lidl, you’ll be pleased to hear you’ve got another chance to get your mitts on it!

a box of emily in paris macarons sits next to two women holding wine glasses
Fans of the show will go wild for these latest launches
Chamere, Lidl

The cocktails

She fell hard for France’s kir royale cocktail in Season 3 of Emily In Paris, and now fans of the Netflix show can toast the latest episodes with their own version – a ready-to-drink Chamere, £4 per 250ml can or £7.95 per 200ml bottle.

It became an overnight hit, thanks to Emily’s seal of approval, and was even touted as the new spritz.

We reckon it makes a great party season tipple and will be a super-pretty serve over the festive season.

two cans of air royal chamiere sit next to a pink purse
These RTD cocktails will fit in your croissant handbag

We also love, love, love, this bottle from Lillet Rose – the exclusive to Ocado Emily In Paris illustrated design is gorgeous, and what’s inside isn’t bad either!

The special-edition apéritif contains a delicate blend of ripe berries and fresh citrus, best served as a Lillet Rose Spritz with rose champagne, ice and a dash of strawberry puree – magnifique!

a bottle of lillet rose next to a glass of it
Lillet Rose is delicious in a spritz with rose champagne

You can even get Lillet Rose X Emily In Paris in French restaurant chain Côte Brasserie’s limited-edition Côte At Home box, £74.95, until tomorrow – so hurry!

In addition to the Parisian plonk, you’ll get to tuck in to a feast for two of camembert, jambon sec de Savoie, chicken liver pâté and more – everything you need for the perfect night in.

The patisserie

Nothing says #demure quite like a dainty patisserie-style treat, so it’s not surprising that searches for “French desserts” have sky-rocketed this year.

Ever on trend, Lidl has launched a timely selection of French-themed treats, including Insta-perfect macarons, luxe chocolate truffles with marc de champagne and boozy blackcurrant centres, plus mini cream-filled eclairs.

Get the fancy plates out and call in the girls for a gossip over the good stuff, from love triangles to your next career move.

three different flavors of emily in paris ice cream
How will you choose which sweet treat to have?

But if you’ve still got some episodes to catch up on, grab a tub of Haagen-Dazs Limited Edition Emily In Paris Salted Caramel ice cream, £5.40 – and a spoon.

Em would approve.

The hot reservation

The UK’s first Emily In Paris afternoon tea has arrived, and while there might not be a view of the Eiffel Tower, Michelin-starred Pavyllon restaurant in London’s chi-chi Mayfair has all the charm of a boujee bistro.

The menu comes on a specially designed script in homage to the series, plus there’s Emily In Paris trivia for diners, extravagant floral arrangements and a playlist of chic French café music to set the mood.

a woman is holding a menu that says confidential on it
The chicest afternoon tea this side of the Channel

Start with dainty cucumber and whipped feta or smoked salmon and cream-cheese sandwiches, followed by intricate French patisserie such as mini chocolate coffee eclairs, crème brulée, tarte au citron and pistachio financiers.

Plus, enjoy a special beret-shaped dessert to take home.

The Emily in Paris Afternoon Tea is available Friday-Sunday, 2.30- 4:30pm, until October 27, priced at £85.

The It accessory

After selling out for the first time in just two minutes, then once more – and then attracting huge queues at London Fashion Week’s pop-up stall, Lidl is giving fans of its croissant handbag one last chance to get their mitts on it.

From absurdist designer Nikolas Bentel, the bag is a tribute to the supermarket’s bestselling bakery item, which apparently sells 122 times every minute!

a woman holding a bag with a lidl logo on it
Now you can rent the viral croissant handbag through By Rotation

In collaboration with fashion rental app By Rotation, the leather Lidl X Nik Bentel Croissant Handbag can be yours to rent for just £5 a day (compared to its £50 RRP, if you can even get it, that is). 

Those who choose to rent will receive a crescent-shaped leather croissant purse with a golden zip and trolley coin (yes, really), encased within a soft, premium-feeling leather “bakery bag”, along with three fabulous straps to choose from.

Better still, all proceeds will be donated to Lidl’s charity partner, the NSPCC.

“It’s like wearing poetry,” as Emily would say.

How to look chic on a budget

Fashion stylist Gemma Rose Breger, and beauty journalist Samantha Silver revealed how you can make your outfits elevated without spending hundreds of pounds.

  1. Don’t ever spend on designer denim: River Island ”always has such a great selection of fashion-forward jeans that follow the current trends”. The high street retailer offers a great range of sizes to fit UK 6 – UK 18, and three leg lengths – and prices start from an affordable £25.
  2. There are no rules for jewels: ”Pick up something at a car boot sale, or charity shop, scroll on Vinted & eBay, snap up something from the clothing section in your local supermarket when doing the food shop or check out high street clothing stores.”
  3. Don’t forget the pre-loved sites: With a rising number of second-hand sites, such as Vinted and Depop, there’s no excuse for not buying – or selling – pre-loved garments. Gemma, for instance, has managed to get her hands on chic Chanel sunnies for a mere £17.

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What happened to eight stars who left Man Utd in summer including crocked legend and unemployed ‘Luke Shaw replacement’

MANCHESTER UNITED allowed eight players to leave on free transfers at the end of last season.

After winning the FA Cup against Manchester City, boss Erik ten Hag clung on to his job at Old Trafford.

soccer players holding up a trophy in front of a sign that says winner 2024
Manchester United won the FA Cup last term[/caption]

As he began preparations for his third season in charge, the Dutchman set about reshaping his squad.

In doing so, United did not renew the contracts of eight pro players.

These included two first-team stalwarts, as well as some promising youngsters… and one England international many may not have even realised was there.

Those to leave have experienced mixed fortunes since departing United.

Some have gone on to exciting new projects, one has retired, and others are still without a club.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at where each player to leave on a free transfer ended up.


French defender Varane suffered an injury-hit third and final season at Old Trafford.

He was limited to just 22 Premier League outings last term, but did help his side win the FA Cup in his final game for the club.


On that occasion at Wembley, it was already known that he would be leaving.

He went on to sign for Como in July, linking up with boss Cesc Fabregas – but he has so far played just 23 minutes of football for the Italian side due to further injury issues.


Forward Martial’s nine-year Man Utd career came to an end in underwhelming fashion last season.

The last of his 317 appearances for the club came last December, as an illness followed by groin surgery prematurely ended his campaign.

Martial, 28, spent much of the summer looking for a new team.

And he was given a hero’s reception when he finally signed for one, sealing a shock move to Greek side AEK Athens this week.

a man wearing a green jacket that says tezos on it
Anthony Martial endured a low-key final season at United[/caption]


Former Tottenham and England midfielder Huddlestone joined Man Utd as a player-academy coach in 2022.

During two seasons at United the midfielder provided invaluable guidance to the club’s youngsters, while now and then featuring alongside them.

Following nine appearances for United’s Under-21s last season, the 37-year-old retired from football in July.

He initially joined Wigan as a first team coach for the start of pre-season, but this week departed for a similar role at Birmingham after receiving what the Latics called “an offer he simply could not refuse”.

a soccer player wearing a red jersey that says teamviewer
Tom Huddlestone played for Man Utd’s Under-21s last season[/caption]


Academy graduate McNeill left United after four years with his boyhood club.

The forward, 21, made one first team appearance for the Red Devils – coming in a Europa League clash early in Ten Hag’s first season at the club.

Having been on loan spells with Newport and Stevenage during his Man Utd stint – McNeill signed permanently for Sheffield Wednesday upon leaving Old Trafford.

He is yet to appear in the Championship for his new club, but has scored two goals in three League Cup outings to date.

a man in a blue and white striped shirt points at the camera
McNeill is congratulated by Owls team-mate Barry Bannan[/caption]


Local lad Lawrence left United having never come close to reaching their first team.

The full-back, 19, was born in Stretford, a stone’s throw from Old Trafford.

He featured periodically for the club’s Under-18s before departing.

Lawrence is still looking for a new club.


Full-back Williams had once been thought of as the club’s best left sided defender, even usurping England regular Luke Shaw in the eyes of former United executive Ed Woodward.

He played 51 times for United’s first team, including 36 appearances during the 2019-20 campaign under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Having previously been on loan at Norwich, Williams spent the final year of his United contract on loan at Ipswich.

He remains without a club, and is set to go on trial for dangerous driving next March, a charge he denies.

Having been working on his fitness after not playing since last December, Williams is hoping to find a club by the end of January.

a man wearing a blue umbro shirt stands in a crowd
Brandon Williams spent last season on loan at Ipswich[/caption]


Man Utd somewhat surprisingly signed goalkeeper Kie Plumley last September, following his release by Oxford United.

During his time at Old Trafford, Plumley played the role of No2 keeper for their Under-21 side – making one appearance in the PL2.

Following his United release, Plumley signed for eighth-tier side Hartley Wintney.

He has since debuted for his new team, helping them beat East Grinstead Town 2-1 in the FA Cup.

a soccer player wearing gloves that say com on them
Kie Plumley surprisingly joined Man Utd after being released by Oxford[/caption]


Despite being offered a new deal to stay at United, winger Forson opted to leave on a free transfer at the end of last season.

Forson, 20, had begun to break through under Ten Hag, appearing seven times for United’s first team last season.

Despite this, he decided to move on – signing for Serie A side Monza.

After beginning the season with a muscular issue he is yet to make an appearance for his new club, but he has been named as a substitute in their last three games.

a man in a suit shakes hands with a young man wearing a motorola jersey
Omari Forson left United to sign for Monza[/caption]

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2024’s must-have skincare ingredient promotes firmer, plumper skin – and you’ll find it in your kitchen

Magic mushrooms are rising in popularity, but not in the way you might think – they’re coming for your beauty stash.

Almost anything goes in the beauty industry. Yoni eggs? Sure! Vampire facials? We’re in!

However, unlike many recent trends, mushrooms are far more than a modern fad.

a bottle of origins mega mushroom surrounded by other bottles
Mushrooms are this year’s hottest skincare ingredient

In fact, they’ve been used in beauty and wellness practices for thousands of years.

And now, research is showing just how magic they can be when it comes to treating beauty woes.

So it’s no surprise that many well-known brands are buying into the shroom boom.


a smiley face made out of white paint on a pink background
Many skincare brands are now including mushrooms in their ingredient lists[/caption]

Glow Hub Super Shroom Range, from £12

“The use of mushrooms in skincare isn’t a new thing. However, there’s definitely a boom in shroom products now, and not just in beauty – we’ve seen it in homeware, art, fashion and design, too,” explains Tiffany Salmon, founder of beauty brand Glow Hub

Dr Andrew Weil, a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine – who created a mushroom-based skincare range in collaboration with Origins – agrees.

“With the surge in mushroom-based products, we’re seeing more scientific research highlighting their benefits, while increased popularity in medicine and world cuisine has also raised the profile of mushrooms,” he says.

Consultant dermatologist Dr Alexis Granite agrees, saying: “Given the popularity of adaptogens – plants that counteract the impact of stress – and the adaptogenic properties of some mushrooms, attention on these botanical wonders has increased in recent years.”

Tiffany also points to the pandemic hangover as a factor.

“We’re still seeing the impact of that elevated anxiety and the need for a more holistic approach to health trickling down from the wellness industry, so this desire for adaptogenic skincare is only going to grow,” she says. 

Finally, as with most trending ingredients, sustainability and ease of access is a big factor, according to Dr Weil.

He says: “With more mushroom varieties being cultivated in western countries, they’re becoming more accessible and cost-effective, which is driving the trend even further.”


a green bottle of origins mega mushroom relief soothing lotion
One bottle of this lotion sells every eight seconds

Origins Mega Mushroom Soothing Treatment Lotion, £30

Dr Weil began working with Origins on his skincare range, Dr Andrew Weil For Origins Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience, almost 20 years ago – it’s now the brand’s bestselling line, with one bottle of Origins Mega-Mushroom Treatment Lotion bought every eight seconds.

“At that time, no one was using mushrooms in skincare products, and I knew a lot about the medicinal properties of them. 

“I gave Origins a list of a dozen species to test and some proved very beneficial – and that was the beginning of the Mega Mushroom line,” he says. 

Biggest beauty mistakes

Fabulous' Beauty Editor Tara Ledden has shared the do's and don'ts when it comes to beauty.

“No matter how much time and money you spend on your beauty routine, if you’re not getting the basics right, the rest is wasted.

“There aren’t many non-negotiables, but these are the biggest beauty mistakes sabotaging your regime.”

  • Not wearing SPF: Sun-damage is the main cause of premature skin ageing, so if you want to keep your skin looking plump and glowing, sun cream is vital. 
  • Using expired products: Best case, they’re ineffective and don’t deliver the results they promise, worst case they cause irritation and infection. The shelf life of beauty products differ – for example, mascara is usually good for 3-6 months while lipstick can last for 9-18 months. Check the ‘POA’ symbol on the packaging (it looks like a jar and will have a number inside for how many months it’s safe once opened. If you can’t remember when you opened your product, throw it away and start again, marking the month and year with a permanent marker on the packaging. 
  • Not knowing your undertones: If you’re using make-up with the wrong undertones, it’ll never look natural no matter how much you blend it! An easy trick to work out whether you have cool, warm or neutral undertones is to check the veins on your wrist – if they look blue, you have cool undertones, if they’re green, you have warm and if they’re a mix you have neutral. 
  • Skipping heat protector: It might feel unnecessary, but much like sun damage on the skin, excess heat is the most common cause of hair damage. So, if you want shiny, healthy hair, or you’re trying to grow it longer, using a heat protection product is key. 
  • Not washing your face before bed: it’s as simple as this, if you’re not washing your face before you go to sleep, everything that’s been on your skin during the day is sitting there for even longer, clogging your pores and drying out the surface. Any skincare applied on top isn’t going to be effective with a layer of dirt underneath, and you’re probably going to end up with dirty pillows too – yuck!

Fast-forward to 2024, and fungi are springing up everywhere.

Most recently, tech giant Dyson has harnessed the power of mushrooms to create the brand’s first styling product range, Dyson Chitosan.

four bottles of dyson chi to san are lined up in a row
The tech brand has expanded into haircare[/caption]

Dyson Chitosan, from £44

“In haircare, we see less use of mushrooms as an ingredient in comparison to skincare, but some areas that have been investigated include hair strength,” explains Natalie Coleman, head of product development at Dyson.

“Our hair formulas contain a polymer derived from oyster mushrooms – chitosan, our hero ingredient – known for its structural properties. When used in haircare, it can provide soft style hold.”

Tiffany explains the Glow Hub Super Shroom range, from £12, came from the skincare benefits of fungi.

“We wanted to create anti-stress formulas to relax the skin, fighting to protect it from stress damage, which causes dryness, dark spots, dullness, loss of volume, irritation and wrinkles.

“We discovered a variety of clinically tested mushrooms counteract those problems.”

a bottle of kora organics gentle cleansing oil
Kora Organics
Cleanse, soothe and hydrate with mushrooms[/caption]

Kora Organics Milks Mushroom Gentle Cleansing Oil, £43

If you need further proof of the trend, Harry Styles’ Pleasing brand launched the mushroom-inspired Shroom Bloom range nearly two years ago, while in 2021 Miranda Kerr released Kora Organics Milks Mushroom Gentle Cleansing Oil, and Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness uses tremella mushroom in JVN Complete Conditioning Hair Mist.


If you thought pronouncing “hyaluronic” was hard, try giving “cordyceps” and “tremella fuciformis” a go.

If that still boggles your brain, you can call them “caterpillar fungus” and “snow mushroom”, respectively.

There are an estimated 4 million types of mushrooms, but only a few have proved their beauty prowess – and you’re unlikely to find them in the fruit and veg aisle. 


a red bottle of shiseido ultimune power infusing concentrate
Tackle hyperpigmentation and rebalance skin

Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate, £37

“Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, this is perfect for calming sensitive skin,” says Dr Weil.

“It can also improve hyperpigmentation and protect skin against pollution,” adds Dr Granite. 

Snow mushroom

a bottle of pure botanicals snow mushroom concentrated serum
Snow mushroom is known for its hydrating properties

Botanics Pure Botanicals Snow Mushroom Concentrated Serum, £7.99

“A hydration hero, this mushroom will help maintain your skin’s barrier and keep it moisturised,” says Dr Weil.

“It also has antimicrobial properties and can improve healing, plus it’s rich in polysaccharides for hydration, which are smaller in size than hyaluronic acid, so may be better absorbed by skin,” adds Dr Granite. And it’s much cheaper. 


a brown bottle of pai tri-mushroom 10 %
This serum is powered by chaga mushroom
pai skincare

Pai Skincare Tri-Mushroom 10% Super-Soothing Booster, £19 

“One of the mushrooms used most in skincare, it’s rich in antioxidants, boosting skin health,” explains Tiffany.

“It also contains betulinic acid to boost collagen and elastin production, for firmer, plumper skin,” adds Dr Granite.

Dr Weil says: “Mushrooms like chaga can help even out skin tone and reduce oxidative stress.”


a white bottle of joon byrd daydreamer body serum
Joonbyrd is only a few months old, but has already reached cult status[/caption]

Joonbyrd Daydreamer Firming Body Serum, £90

“This supports collagen production, contains kojic acid for brightening, and boasts anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties,” says Dr Granite. 


a pink and yellow bottle of glow hub lotion
Shiitake mushrooms are packed with nutrients
glow hub

Glow Hub Skin Trip Treatment Lotion, £12

“Not only effective, this mushroom is also widely available. It’s often used for its brightening benefits, thanks to compounds like kojic acid,” explains Dr Weil.

Dr Granite adds: “It also contains selenium, vitamins D and B, and has anti-inflammatory properties.” 


a white bottle of ouai scalp serum
Hydrate and rebalance your scalp[/caption]

Ouai Scalp Serum, £48 

“This contains polysaccharides for skin hydration, antioxidants to counteract pollution and anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts collagen production,” says Dr Granite.

It’s also great for scalp and hair. “Traditionally, this has been used in supplements for its energising properties. But when applied topically, it helps boost radiance, hydrate and soothe skin,” adds Tiffany.

The best news is, mushroom extracts are well-tolerated and beneficial to all skin and hair types (unless you’re allergic, then steer clear!). Magic, indeed. 

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