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Review: A father’s looming death brings his daughters together

There are some movies that die quiet deaths on streaming-first (this did receive a bit of a theatrical run), but "His Three Daughters" is one that seems right on Netflix just for its ability to reach a larger audience than it would stand a chance to at the multiplex.

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Vaccine horror as woman, 23, left ‘temporarily blind with agonising bruises engulfing her face’

A WOMAN claims she was left temporarily blind with agonising purple bruises spreading across her face after having three vaccines administered at once.

Alexis Lorenze, 23, suffered a rare reaction to the jabs after travelling to receive treatment for paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a genetic blood disorder.

a close up of a woman 's face with long hair .
Tiktok - Lexxx Taylor
Alexis Lorenze, 23, of Florida, claims she suffered a severe reaction after being given three vaccines all at once[/caption]
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Alexis travelled to California to receive a blood transfusion to treat her rare blood disorder[/caption]
Facebook - Todd lorenze
She claims to have been left with bruising and temporary blindness after being given vaccines before the transfusion[/caption]

The Florida-native was diagnosed with PNH – which causes the immune system to attack and damage red blood cells and platelets – in January this year.

Alexis travelled to California earlier this month for a transfusion to replenish the damaged cells.

The 23-year-old claims that doctors at the California medical centre wouldn’t administer the transfusion unless she received vaccines for tetanuspneumonia, and meningitis “all at once”.

It’s not clear why hospital staff allegedly wanted to give her all three vaccines immediately.

Nor is it clear how soon after the vaccines they intended to perform the transfusion.

In videos posted to TikTok and Facebook that have since gone viral, Alexis claims that her vision temporarily went dark in both eyes within 10 minutes of being given the three jabs.

Her jaw locked and she began vomiting, a fundraiser set up to pay for her medical expenses details.

Her eyes and forehead also started to swell and darken, with splotchy “red dots” on her face, neck and chest.

“This is the scariest thing I’ve ever been through,” the tearful 23-year-old said in a Facebook Live video she’s since posted to her page.

Alexis’s condition gradually worsened to the point that her eyes swelled shut and deep purple bruising spread across her forehead, neck and knees.

Alexis’s ordeal has since been seized upon by anti-vaxxers, who claim her ultra-rare reaction proves their theories about vaccines being dangerous.

But medics stress that the 23-year-old suffered an ultra-rare reaction that was likely exacerbated by her blood disorder.

Doctors told DailyMail.com that giving a patient so many vaccines at once when they have an autoimmune condition like PNH is “risky”, as it could trigger a potentially “life-threatening” immune response.

But they noted it’s unlikely that components in the vaccines themselves lead to Alexis’s condition.

a woman in a crop top is taking a selfie in front of a mirror .
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Medics say her reaction was likely not caused by the vaccines themselves, though it is unusual to give three at once[/caption]
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Alexis has been transferred to a private clinic in LA[/caption]

Instead, it’s more likely her illness wasn’t under control and flared up in response to the jabs, as they can trigger immune responses in patients with PNH.

Dr Raj Dasgupta, chief medical advisor for Fortune Recommends Health, told DailyMail.com: “While it’s usually safe for most people to get these vaccines together, in her case, the immune response could have been too much and led to complications.

“To avoid overloading her system, it would be reasonable to space out the vaccines and closely monitor for any worsening symptoms.”

What is paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria?

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), is a rare genetic blood disease that causes red blood cells to break apart.

It happens because the surface of a person’s blood cells are missing a protein that protects them from the body’s immune system.

When red blood cells break apart, the haemoglobin inside is released.

Haemoglobin is the red part of red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body.

The release of haemoglobin causes many of the PNH symptoms.

If you have rare blood disorder, part of your immune system attacks and damages your red blood cells and platelets.

Left untreated, PNH can cause haemolytic anemia, chronic kidney disease or blood clots.

The condition is most often diagnosed in people in their 30s and 40s.

Symptoms of PNH may vary from person to person.

You may have only mild symptoms, or you may have severe symptoms and need medicines or blood transfusions.

Symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • Blood clots, may form in some people
  • Dark urine, comes and goes
  • Easy bruising or bleeding
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness, fatigue
  • Pallor
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty swallowing

There are treatments available if you have PNH that can protect blood cells and reduce your risk of serious illness.

According to Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation (AAMDS), patients with PNH should receive vaccinations against certain types of bacteria to prevent infection.

Sources: AAMS, Cleveland Clinic, MedlinePlus

Over the last few days, Alexis’s father Todd joined her in California and has been posted regular updates to his Facebook and Instagram accounts about her condition.

He said the 23-year-old had been transported to a private hospital in Los Angeles for specialised treatment.

In a recent Facebook post, Todd said Alexis’s condition “varies from hour to hour, sometimes minute to minute”.

Though the swelling and pain seemed to be decreasing, the dad said: “It’s not over. It’s just slightly less complicated.

“But still going a months or years long battle.

“This has devastated her. We are not out of any hot water yet.”


Alexis was diagnosed with PNH in January 2024.

The rare blood disorder affects about between 0.5 and 1.5 per million people, according to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders.

Alexis claims she developed the illness after being prescribed “cough medicine” by a doctor – but in fact the disorder occurs due to a a genetic flaw affects how your red blood cells and platelets work.

Normally, red blood cells help carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body using the protein haemoglobin.

But in patients with PNH, haemoglobin can’t break down, so the protein overwhelms organs like the kidneys.

People with the condition are also at an increased risk of life-threatening thrombosis or blood clots as their platelets – the cells that help the body make blood clots – are abnormal.

Alexis also claims to have not received any vaccines since childhood.

Dr Gloria Gerber, a haematologist and assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, told DailyMail.com that it’s possible that the three vaccines could have exacerbated Alexis’s PNH by accelerating the breakdown of red blood cells.

Possible side effects from vaccines

In rare cases, vaccines can cause side effects.

These tend to be minor – like a sore arm or low fever – and go away on their own within a few days.

The CDC lists possible side effects from vaccines licensed for use in the US.

For example, it says that after receiving a tetanus vaccine, people may experience:

  • Pain, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
  • Mild fever
  • Headache
  • Feeling tired
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, or stomachache

People sometimes faint after medical procedures, including vaccination, it adds.

People may experience similar side effects from MenACWY, MenB and MenABCWY vaccines for meningitis.

Source: CDC

She explained that giving many vaccines or medications at once is “risky business” in the event that a patient reacts to them, as it can be difficult to confirm which one was the culprit behind it.

“Giving three vaccines at once, honestly, I don’t think I’ve heard of at all,” the haematologist said.

“What’s the hurry? What’s the emergency of giving the three vaccines at once when you could do one and wait a little bit?

“She’s obviously very sensitive because of her illness.

“Doing multiple things at the same time is very risky business, and risky business has no place in medicine.”

Meanwhile, Dr Gasgupta said that Alexis’s severe reaction may have nothing to do with the vaccines at all.

“PNH can flare up on its own, and we have to consider whether the condition itself is behind her severe reaction.

Alexis claims she temporarily went blind immediately after the vaccines were administered.

Dr Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told DailyMail.com that this might be able to be explained by a drop in blood pressure.

He said some people feel faint after being given a vaccine and that “near fainting can often cause momentary visual loss”.

But he stressed that “there’s nothing intrinsic in the vaccine that causes blindness”.

a man and a woman are posing for a picture with a city in the background
Facebook - Todd lorenze
Her dad Todd Lorenze said she is doing better but her ordeal is far from over[/caption]

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Popular sandwich filler urgently recalled over fears it contains dangerous bacteria that can trigger meningitis

A POPULAR sarnie filler sold in corner shops in the North of Britain has been recalled in a listeria health scare.

Eating food contaminated with the bacteria can put you at risk for listeriosis, a serious illness that, in rare cases, can trigger meningitis.

a package of corned beef from spar
Traces of listeria were “detected” in corned beef sold at SPAR’S in the Northwest of England.[/caption] a list of common symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia in babies children and young people

The manufacturer decided to take action when traces of listeria monocytogenes were “detected” in corned beef sold at SPAR’S in the north west of England.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) have since issued a “do not eat” warning to anyone who has bought the salty filling.

Products included in the recall include 120g packs of SPAR corned beef with a ‘use by’ date of September 20 2024.

The FSA warned that eating food contaminated with this kind of bacteria can cause symptoms “similar to flu and include high temperature, muscle ache or pain, chills, feeling or being sick and diarrhoea”. 

“However, in rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications, such as meningitis,” the FSA added.

Meningitis is a serious infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

It can cause life-threatening blood poisoning (septicaemia) and result in permanent damage to the brain or nerves.

The manufacturer, James Hall & Co advised anyone who has purchased the corned beef to return it to the store for a full refund.

Signs will be placed in shops where the items are sold to warn people they should not be eaten.

It added that no other products had been affected by this issue.

They apologised for “any inconvenience to our customers”.

Throughout 2021, 160 cases of listeriosis were reported in England and Wales, according to the most recent data released by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

Twenty-two people passed away after suffering from the nasty illness.

Rates were highest among people aged 80 years and over, while a fifth of all infections occurred in pregnant mums.

There were three listeriosis outbreaks investigated in England and Wales in 2021, including a national outbreak associated with smoked fish.

More recently, listeria bacteria was found in cheese sold in Morrisons and Asda.

What to do if you suspect you've eaten food contaminated with listeria

If you think you may eaten food with listeria, it’s important to keep an eye on any symptoms that might arise.

Look out for signs like fever, muscle aches, nausea, or diarrhoea.

If you start feeling unwell – especially if you’re pregnant, elderly, or have a weakened immune system – call NHS 111 right away.

In the meantime, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially if you’re experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms.

If you’re at higher risk, try to avoid raw or undercooked foods, deli meats, and raw dairy products until you get the all-clear.

Source: NHS

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I woke up to a neighbour cutting down MY 10-year-old tree without asking – the worst part is how he left the mess

A WOMAN has claimed that she woke up one morning to find her neighbour cutting down one of her trees.

The young woman confessed that she opened her curtains, only to spot her bald-headed next-door neighbour with a saw, cutting back a tree that didn’t appear to be overhanging his garden.

a man is cutting down a tree that was planted 10 years ago without asking
A woman has claimed that she spotted her ‘nightmare’ neighbour cutting down her 10-year-old tree without asking
a picture of a backyard with a fence and a blue tarp .
The content creator explained that she was ‘fuming’ and ‘crying’ at the man’s actions

The confused woman explained that the tree had been planted ten years ago, so it’s no surprise that she was left absolutely fuming.

But not only this, the worst part was how her cheeky neighbour left the mess.

The content creator took to social media to share a sneaky clip she filmed of her neighbour whilst caught in the act, leaving many totally stunned.

Alongside the video, which saw the man on a step-ladder as he reached over the fence to cut the tree, the woman penned: “Guys what do you do if you wake up to your neighbour cutting down your tree you planted 10 years ago…without asking.”

Very upset with her ‘nightmare’ neighbour’s actions, she then asked: “Isn’t this illegal?”

She also questioned: “I’m literally so confused…should I call the police?” 

The upset woman, who normally posts fashion and lifestyle content online, then panned her camera to show off her garden. 

Whilst it was visibly overgrown and unkempt, the woman claimed that rather than disposing of the cut tree, her neighbour had left the mess he had cut down in her garden – hitting her with a double blow that not only was her tree cut, but she’d have to tidy up the chaos. 

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @senorcarbdemon, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly racked up a jaw-dropping 964,200 views in just 22 hours. 

Social media users were horrified by the man’s actions and many advised her to notify the police. 

One person said: “This is literally a crime.” 

Another added: “Sue. That’s what I’d do.”

I am crying. I planted this cherry blossom tree from a baby ten years ago

TikTok user

A third commented: “I would call the police immediately.”

At the same time, one user confessed: “I would cry, make sure you have plenty of pictures and videos.”

I’m so tempted to throw it back over the fence and start WW3

TikTok user

To this, the woman responded: “I am crying. I planted this cherry blossom tree from a baby ten years ago and it’s literally so beautiful in the spring.

“I’m literally fuming.” 

Whilst someone else wrote: “And watch as they leave you to clean up the mess.”

In response, the angry TikTok poster replied: “They literally did…I’m so tempted to throw it back over the fence and start WW3.” 

Rules on fences and trees


  • Height Restrictions: In most areas, fences in front gardens should not exceed one metre in height without planning permission. For rear gardens, the limit is generally two metres.
  • Shared Fences: If a fence is shared with a neighbour, both parties are typically responsible for its maintenance and any costs associated with repairs or replacement.
  • Building Regulations: Ensure that any new fence complies with local building regulations and does not obstruct visibility for drivers or pedestrians.


  • Ownership: Trees located on your property are your responsibility, including any damage they may cause. Conversely, trees on a neighbour’s property are their responsibility.
  • Overhanging Branches: You are entitled to trim branches that overhang into your property, but only up to the boundary line. The cut branches should be offered back to the tree owner.
  • Protected Trees: Some trees are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). Check with your local council before undertaking any work on a tree, as unauthorised work can result in fines.
  • Roots: If tree roots from a neighbour’s tree cause damage to your property, you have the right to remove the roots. However, it is advisable to discuss this with your neighbour first to avoid disputes.

Always consult your local council or a legal adviser for specific regulations and advice.

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Ronnie O’Sullivan and ex fiancée Laila Rouass kiss as they reunite for dog walk in London after shock split

RONNIE O’Sullivan and ex-fiancée Laila Rouass shared a kiss as they reunited for a dog walk following their shock split.

Overnight, The Sun exclusively revealed that snooker ace ‘The Rocket’ and his longtime actress partner had called it a day after 147 months together.

a man wearing a black shirt that says ' a ' on it kisses a woman
Andrew Styczynski
Exes Ronnie O’Sullivan and Laila Rouass cuddled on a dog walk close to their home[/caption]
a man wearing a black shirt with the letter r on it kisses a woman
Andrew Styczynski
The pair remain on good terms despite calling a day on their 12 year romance[/caption]
a man and a woman are walking their dogs in a field
Andrew Styczynski
They coordinated in black outfits for the outdoor jaunt[/caption]
a man and woman are walking their dogs in front of a sign that says tree cutting
Andrew Styczynski
A source said Ronnie did not spend the night with Laila after we revealed they had split[/caption]
a man wearing a black shirt that says kendrick is hugging a woman
Andrew Styczynski
The former couple hadn’t been spending much time together[/caption]

Sporting legend Ronnie, 48, is renowned for his speedy potting skills and holds the record for the most maximum 147 breaks with 15 to his name.

Just hours after the split news, the pair were pictured looking on good terms close to their home as they exercised their pet pooches.

An insider told The Sun: “Ronnie didn’t stay at the house with Laila last night – they’re still split but keeping things friendly.”

T-shirt wearing Ronnie looked relaxed as he walked with a hand tucked in his pocket while Footballers’ Wives star Laila, 53, wore a leather jacket, shades and a black dress.

At one point, smiling Ronnie pecked Laila on the cheek as they shared a friendly embrace.

A friend told us: “They have been going in different directions.”

Actress Laila was not wearing her diamond engagement ring when she appeared on This Morning last month.

Seven-times world champion Ronnie gave her the huge sparkler in 2013 — a year after they started dating.

However they never married and the couple separated in 2022 before patching things up.

A friend said: “Ronnie and Laila really threw themselves back into their relationship after the split a couple of years ago.

“He kept posting pics of them online at home together and saying romantic things on special occasions, but that’s all come to a halt.

“They’ve tried so hard but they just can’t make it work.”

Laila popped up on ITV’s This Morning last month to publicise her stint as Ayesha Siddhu in EastEnders

Meanwhile, Ronnie has been in lucrative competitions abroad.

The pal went on: “Ronnie has spent months and months on the road this year doing snooker tours for big money in China and Saudi Arabia while Laila has been concentrating on her acting career.

“There is a lot of love between them but they have been going in different directions and conceded it is over.

a man in a suit and a woman in a dress pose for a picture
Alpha Press
The pair briefly split back in 2022[/caption]
a man is playing pool in front of a sign that says atchro
The snooker legend has been playing abroad and barely seen Laila[/caption]

“Ronnie and Laila make a lovely couple so the people who know them best are hoping this is a blip like back in 2022.”

Last year, Laila, told how “talking” eventually helped her reconcile with Ronnie, who was awarded an OBE in 2016.

She said: “We found our way back, we just worked it out.

“Back when I announced it, we hadn’t been together for almost eight months at that time.

“Talking is so underrated.

There is a lot of love between them but they have been going in different directions and conceded it is over

A pal

“If you can sit down and say how you feel and what you want when you get older that is much easier to say too.”

Ronnie, who has three kids from previous relationships, has spoken openly about his mental health battles and regularly threatens to retire from snooker.

This week he crashed out of the English Open after a shock first-round loss to China’s He Guoqiang, with fans criticising his decision to play left-handed. 

Ronnie said of the defeat: “I’m not even bothered.”

Representatives for Ronnie and Laila declined to comment.

a man in a suit and tie is holding a medal
Seven-times world champion Ronnie, 48, gave the EastEnders actress, 53, the huge sparkler in 2013[/caption]
a woman is sitting on a blue couch and smiling
But Laila was not wearing her diamond engagement ring on This Morning last month

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Coronation Street star confirms he’s quit the soap after fans hit out at character’s disappearance

CORONATION Street star Chris Harper has confirmed he has quit the soap after his brief comeback as Nathan Curtis.

The actor – who plays abuser Nathan in the ITV soap – reprised his role earlier this year as part of the Lauren Bolton mystery and it brought him back to survivor Bethany Platt.

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Actor Chris Harper has revealed he’s quit Coronation Street[/caption]
a man wearing a yellow vest that says nb on it
The actor plays paedophile Nathan Curtis in the ITV soap[/caption]

Viewers watched as Nathan tried once again to terrorise Bethany, and eventually came a cropper when Sarah Platt and Kit Green framed him for Lauren’s murder.

But when Lauren returned alive, the real culprit Joel Deering manipulated her into pinning everything on Nathan to ensure his own freedom.

But now the police are questioning Joel over what happened to Lauren, Nathan could be released – but that won’t mean he’ll be back in Weatherfield.

Actor Chris has confirmed he is not returning as Nathan for this storyline.

“No, I’m definitely not going back,” he told Digital Spy.

“But never say never, I suppose! I genuinely do not want him to have a forgiveness arc. So, I don’t know why he’d keep coming back to Weatherfield. 

“It’s Bethany’s journey, not his. It’s got to be about Bethany’s life, and I think he’s done his time.

“But if you could get Sally Wainwright to write something between Joel and Nathan, and it was past nine o’clock, I think it would be worth doing!”

It comes as fans hit out at the return calling it “contrived”.

One wrote: “I wonder if he will ever be mentioned again, seemed like a bit of a waste to just bring him back for a handful of episodes.

“It would’ve been interesting to see some sort of ‘closure’ between him and Bethany if the images hadn’t been his. Maybe Nathan agreeing to move away etc.”

A second said: “It was a strange arc, especially when you add in Gary randomly assaulting him. It all felt like contrived drama for the sake of it.”

Coronation Street's 2024 shock exits

Corrie has said goodbye to several cast members this year. Let's break down who's left the famous soap:

Eliza Woodrow (Savannah Kunyo) has said farewell to Corrie to start a new life in Germany.

The youngster moved to live with her dad Dom Everett, who went back on the £10,000 bribe Eliza’s grandfather Stu had offered to keep him out of her life.

Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) will bow out of the soap this summer when he loses his fight with motor neurone disease (MND) in tragic scenes.

After being diagnosed last year, the fan favourite was devastated to learn he only had months left to live.

Viewers know he is planning to take his own life to end his suffering.

Summer Spellman (Harriet Bibby) departed the cobbles after being offered the opportunity of a lifetime to study in America.

Though she struggled to decide with her stepdad Paul’s impending death from MND, she was convinced she had to live her life to the full.

Simon Barlow (Alex Bain) has struggled with the sudden departure of his father Peter from the cobbles.

The Weatherfield legend left his family and loved ones behind on Boxing Day, 2023, when his wife Carla Connor encouraged him to travel around the world with a friend.

Simon’s been on a downward spiral ever since and his exit could end in tragedy.

Alya Nazir is set to leave the cobbles as actress Sair Khan prepares to go on maternity leave ahead of the birth of her first child.

It looks likely she’ll be heading to Dublin after securing a lucrative new job, leaving her colleague and fling Adam Barlow behind.

Show stalwart Sue Cleaver, who plays Eileen Grimshaw, is taking a break to star in the Sister Act The Musical UK tour. She will be back filming in May once her dates on the tour come to an end.

Her character left the Street after her son Jason broke his back after falling off a moped in Asia.

Another added: “Feels like they only brought him back for shock value.

“I remember thinking he was going to come back apologetic, or in denial protesting his innocence, and neither of those things happened.”

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Tom Cruise enjoys a day out with his billionaire buddies as they touch down at Battersea in his chopper

Tom Cruise, 62, appeared to be enjoying a well-deserved break with his billionaire friends as they landed in his helicopter at Battersea on Thursday
Do YOU ​​have a story? Send an email to tips@dailymail.com By Laura Fox for Ny Breaking Published: 07:50 EDT, September 20, 2024 | Updated: 07:53 EDT, September 20, 2024 He was previously spotted flying into the air to film the eighth Mission Impossible. But Tom Cruise appeared to be enjoying a well-deserved break with his […]

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El Corazón De Ruzgar (Rüzgarın Kalbi) Capitulo 18 (Doblado en Espanol)

Ver El Corazón De Ruzgar (Rüzgarın Kalbi) Capitulo 18 (Doblado en Espanol) Watch Online Capitulos Completos, Ver series y Telenovelas, Tusmundo Completas Online Gratis HD, El Corazón De Ruzgar (Rüzgarın Kalbi) Videos y fotos. El Corazón De Ruzgar (Rüzgarın Kalbi) Capitulo 18 (Doblado en Espanol) Ennovelas.Lat

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