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Local realtor sponsors free entry for first 400 Choctaw students to football game against Niceville

ERA American Real Estate partners with Choctawhatchee High School to provide free admission for the first 400 students to the Choctaw vs. Niceville football game this Friday.

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VWSD Student Found with Gun on School Bus

school bus gun

Vicksburg Daily News -

VICKSBURG, MS – A school-aged child was found with a gun on a school bus this morning in Warren County. Warren County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a report of a child with a gun on the bus at around 7 a.m. this morning. Reportedly, the child was cocking and uncocking the gun while on the […]

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Next has made a HUGE change to its 50% off sale – and customers are not happy

FASHION retailer Next has announced a major change to its 50 per cent off sale – and customers are furious.

The high-street clothing and homeware chain usually gives customers signed up to its VIP service the chance to access its sale online early.

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Next has revealed a major change to its 50 per cent off sale[/caption]

The VIP sale launched online yesterday – but some customers no longer have the option to browse it before their slot, sparking furious backlash on social media.

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My ‘Karen’ neighbour slipped me a fake ‘court action’ note for bonkers reason, I’m speechless

A WOMAN has been left stunned after her neighbour left a fake “court action” note on her car for parking in the street.

The stunned Glasgow resident only discovered the rude message when she headed out for the day.

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A woman was left stunned by a note from her neighbour (stock image)[/caption]
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The handwritten note threatened court action[/caption]

Handwritten on a lined piece of card, the note read: “PRIVATE. Residents parking only.

“Civil proeedings notices apply.

“To avoid court action, please remove and park elsewhere.”

It was simply signed off as “residents association”.

But the woman was baffled by the note as she is, indeed, a resident – and pointed out there are no parking restrictions on the street.

Taking to Facebook, she asked: “Anyone had this put on their car before?

“I actually am a resident and live at the end of [the] road and this was placed on my car where I had parked late last night.”

And locals immediately jumped to her defence, insisting she had done nothing wrong.

One said: “Just someone who had to park a bit further down the street, threatening court proceedings!!! What a pathetic little person.”

A second person wrote: “Does such an association exist or is it just someone trying to intimidate from parking in their favourite spot?

“The lack of any proper contact details makes me suspect the latter. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time.”

A third chimed in: “They didn’t even attempt to make it look official.”

“Not worth the card the note is wrote on”, joked a fourth.

A fifth fumed: “I bet this ‘Residents Association’ is one KAREN neighbour who nobody likes.”

Meanwhile, a sixth added: “How do people have time to do that? Just bin it. If you were parked illegally you wouldn’t get a warning, you’d just be ticketed and fined.”

In the UK you don’t have an automatic right to park directly outside your home or to prevent others from doing so.

The only exceptions are if parking in a street is prohibited, or a space is reserved by the local council for a particular resident. For example, a blue badge holder might have a designated parking space. 

It is also illegal to park on the pavement, double yellow lines or along a dropped kerb.

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My dad threw scalding soup over me and put his hands around my throat – we walked on eggshells, Victoria Derbyshire says

VICTORIA Derbyshire has revealed that her father threw “scalding soup” over her as a child and put his hands around her throat.

Broadcaster Derbyshire bravely delved into the past to recount the horrific extent of the trauma she suffered at the hands of her father Anthony.

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Victoria Derbyshire claimed her father threw scalding soup over her[/caption]
a woman in a red dress stands in front of a sky logo
The broadcaster also said she and the rest of the family had to ‘walk on eggshells’
a man in a plaid shirt is standing in a park
Anthony Derbyshire, father of presenter Victoria Derbyshire, died in 2020 but has always denied the accusations
a woman with glasses and a tattoo on her wrist .
In 2020, Derbyshire made headlines when she hosted the BBC news with a domestic abuse helpline number written on her hand[/caption]

Derbyshire said that her “violent and bullying” father’s abuse included being beaten with a belt and wooden spoon.

The physical and mental abuse was so bad that Derbyshire, along with her mother, brother, and sister, left their home to stay with her aunt, only to return, as “life kept drawing us back”.

The journalist said that her family had lived “constantly walking on eggshells” to avoid riling him.

“When I think about my childhood, it feels like domestic abuse was always there,” the Newsnight host told The Independent.

The violence was “so normalised” that it defined her upbringing: “It was just a feature of growing up — me, my brother, my sister, and my mum.”

She said that despite the abuse she would try not to flinch when her bullying father struck her.

“It was my way of showing him that I couldn’t be riled,” she said.

The Newsnight host spoke of her father putting his hands around her neck and pinning her against the pantry door in front of her screaming best friend.

One time her father threw “scalding soup” over her school uniform.

She said: “I just looked at him with contempt in my eyes — and he could see it. I didn’t say anything […] It was my way of trying to show that he wasn’t affecting me.”

Anthony would also regularly beat her mother, once breaking one of her ribs, Victoria claims.

However, when the injury was reported, a doctor’s note simply described it as “husband trouble”.

The former BBC Radio 5 Live host, also recalled that even something as mundane as not making him a cup of tea would set her father off in a rage.

And when the kettle was boiling her father would get angry and shout until someone switched it off for him.

Derbyshire said it was her mother’s love and her bond with her siblings which allowed them to maintain a sense of normality amid the abuse they faced.

While they tried to briefly live with their mother’s sister, the inconvenience, and the need to attend school and look after their pets, eventually drew them back home.

Her father, who died in 2020, denied hitting his children but has previously admitted striking his ex-wife, claiming she was aggressive to him.

Derbyshire has worked on television news and political programmes including the BBC News Channel, Watchdog, Newsnight and Panorama

In 2020, Derbyshire made headlines when she hosted the BBC news with a domestic abuse helpline number written on her hand.

Away from the world of television, Derbyshire is married to her partner Mark Sandell.

The pair, who had already been together for over a decade, married in a low-key ceremony at their home in Surrey in 2018.

They are the parents of two children – sons Oliver and Joe.

Throughout her career, Derbyshire has been a vocal campaigner against domestic abuse

In 2020, she was praised when she hosted the BBC News while having the domestic abuse helpline on her hand.

She told the newspaper telling her story “doesn’t bring up trauma” and said domestic abuse can happen to anyone.

“And it’s nothing to do with class or your job or money. If it helps to talk about it, then absolutely, I’ll talk.”

The interview was granted to newspaper to raise awareness of a new campaign called Brick By Brick that aims to raise £300,000 for a new type of Refuge to help those fleeing domestic violence.

How you can get help

Women's Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

  • Always keep your phone nearby.
  • Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
  • If you are in danger, call 999.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
  • Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
  • If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
  • Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – messageinfo@supportline.org.uk.

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

While on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! in 2020, Derbyshire also candidly opened up about her gruelling cancer battle.

During an episode of the popular show, Victoria and EastEnders star Jessica Plummer had a “frank and honest” conversation about her devastating cancer diagnosis.

Victoria also opened up about the shocking side effect of her diagnosis – that she and her husband “could barely speak” to each other.

She told Jessica: “We are talkers, we are open, we are you know, and we just had no words because honestly all I was thinking was I’m going to die.

“Seriously, I’m going to die. And then, I thought I’m not going to see my boys grow up, I’m not going to grow old with Mark [Sandell], I mean it was just, I just thought my luck’s run out, you know.”

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I’m the ‘Queen of hair removal’ and there are five reasons why you are getting hairier and the exact ways to tackle it

HAVE you noticed yourself getting hairier over the years?

Fret not, the UK’s ‘hair removal queen’, Trish Coulton, explains what could be causing your excess hair growth, and ways you may wish to combat it.

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Hair removal expert Trish Coulton shared the five reasons why you may be experiencing an increase in hair[/caption]

Speaking to Fabulous, Trish shared: “There are many reasons why you might be experiencing increased hair growth as a woman. 

“Often, it is a result of natural hormonal changes, however it can also be a sign of underlying health or lifestyle factors.”

Here are five reasons why you may be experiencing more hair than usual…

Hormonal Imbalance 

Hormone imbalance, also known as Hirsutism, is one of the most common causes of increased hair growth in women. 

It is a hormonal imbalance involving an excess of androgens, which are male hormones such as testosterone. 

Conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can lead to higher levels of these hormones, causing hair growth in typically male-pattern areas such as the face, chest, and back. 

If you’re noticing significant changes in your hair growth, especially alongside symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, or acne, it may be worth consulting a doctor to check for hormonal issues like PCOS or adrenal gland disorders.

Ageing and Menopause 

This can trigger hormonal changes and increase hair growth in areas where hair was previously finer or less visible.

During menopause, estrogen levels drop, which can make the influence of androgens more prominent. 

This can lead to more noticeable hair growth on the face or body. 

For many women, this is a normal part of ageing, though it can be surprising if you’re used to having less hair during your younger years.

Your family history and ethnic background 

This can play a significant role in how much body hair you have. 

Certain ethnicities such as Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or South Asian ethnicity tend to have naturally thicker, darker, and more visible body hair. 

If your female relatives also have a tendency toward thicker body or facial hair, it’s possible that your hairiness is simply a genetic trait, and not a sign of a medical issue.

Certain medications 

Some medications can stimulate hair growth as an unwanted side effect. 

For example, steroids can lead to an increase in body hair. 

Some hormonal treatments, such as contraceptives or fertility treatments, may also affect your body’s natural balance of hormones, which can lead to more visible hair growth. 

If you’ve recently started any new medications and have noticed changes, it’s  worth discussing these side effects with your GP.

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Ageing and menopause can trigger hormonal changes and increase hair growth[/caption]

Underlying Health Conditions 

Conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome, which is a disorder caused by high levels of the hormone cortisol, can cause excess hair in women. 

This condition, as well as certain tumours of the adrenal glands or ovaries, can cause a woman’s body to produce too many androgens, leading to abnormal hair growth. 

Thyroid problems, which impact metabolic and hormonal regulation, can also cause changes in hair growth. If you’re concerned about a sudden or dramatic increase in hair growth, it’s essential to consult a Doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

How to tackle increased body hair

TO manage excessive hair growth, there are several options depending on the cause, according to the UK's 'hair removal queen', Trish Coulton.

Lifestyle changes like weight management and treating underlying conditions can help regulate hormones and reduce hair growth over time. 

For more immediate results, hair removal methods like shaving, threading, waxing, or hair-removal creams can provide short-term satisfaction, though they require frequent maintenance. 

One of the most effective longer-term solutions is LED laser hair removal. 

This treatment works by targeting hair follicles with laser energy, which damages them to slow down or stop hair growth.

You can even do this in the comfort of your own home, with devices like the Bondi Body V2 Laser @ Home, £299.

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Eddie Hall opens door to stunning fight with Brock Lesnar… despite being frightened of UFC and WWE legend 

EDDIE HALL is open to a stunning fight against Brock Lesnar – despite being frightened of him.

Lesnar left the WWE to pursue a career in MMA only to return to wrestling after winning the UFC heavyweight title.

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Eddie Hall is set to fight in MMA
a ufc fighter stands in front of a crowd
Getty - Contributor
Brock Lesnar has not fought since 2016[/caption]

But the American powerhouse, 47, has not fought since 2016 and only makes cameo appearances in the WWE these days.

Hall, 36, meanwhile has had one boxing bout and another in MMA since walking away from strongman competition.

The former world’s strongest man is training for another fight in the cage – and refused to rule out a dream bout with Lesnar – for the right price.

Clash Royale ambassador Hall told SunSport: “Would I fight Brock Lesnar?

“I mean, God, if you ask me, my first response would be no. Why? That is a fearsome man.

“There’s not many people on this planet that scare me. And Brock Lesnar is definitely one of those.

“But I probably would fight him if the money was right. Yeah, so why not?”

Lesnar debuted in the UFC in 2008 and had eight octagon fights – four for the title.


He initially retired in 2011 but made a dramatic return in 2016 to fight Mark Hunt at UFC 200 – winning before it was chalked off for a failed drug test.

Lesnar has not fought since and is yet to return to WWE since 2023.

Hall meanwhile has not weighed the UFC heavyweight limit of 265lb since he was 18-years-old.

The strongman star lost his boxing debut to rival Hafthor Bjornsson in 2022.

But this year he defeated TikTok pair Jamil and Jamel Neffati in a two-on-one handicap MMA bout.

Hall is now in talks to fight strongman-turned MMA fighter Mariusz Pudzianowski.

He said: “Mariusz Pudzianowski is five times World Strongest Man and we’re very similar build, like 6ft 1, 6ft 2. His strength is really portrayed in his fights. 

“He is 47 years old now. I’m 36. So I just think that all these different sorts of things that I’ve got going on equals the playing field a little bit.

“And I keep asking the question to people, me versus Marius, and everyone’s like, ‘Wow, that’s going to be a really good fight.’

“No one can definitely say that Marius is going to win, and no one can say I’m going to win.

a man in a white shirt with the word team on it
Eddie Hall used a massive 50lb (22.6kg) phone case to play the strategy game whilst working out
  • Clash Royale, a fast paced mobile strategy game and sponsors of UFC 306, announced Card Evolutions to its two most feared characters, P.E.K.K.A and Mega Knight, who have become even stronger in their new forms

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