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I got £200 in extra cost of living payments for groceries – it was a lifesaver and took minutes to apply

FOR Ellena Jackson, a chance encounter with a little-known fund brought much-needed relief when she was struggling for money.

The 43-year-old left her teaching job last Easter and soon found it was hard to keep on top of her groceries and bills.

a woman writes on a white board that says online education
The scheme has dished out more than £10m in free cash[/caption]

After being unemployed for a couple of months, Ellena was in dire need of financial assistance.

Ellena was working as a teaching assistant, but suddenly found she had to leave her job to care for her grandmother, who has dementia.

Living in her grandmother’s one-bedroom flat, Ellena struggled to make ends meet amid the rising cost of living.

She explained: “I didn’t know where to go, not knowing what’s out there especially if you are working or have a part-time job.

“Some people don’t necessarily know there are places that can help.”

Fortunately for her, she was checking in on her TSB banking app one day when she spotted a pop-up on her screen about a platform called Lightning Reach.

Lightning Reach is a platform which helps those struggling with money find grants they could be eligible for.

Ellena told The Sun: “I knew that I needed some help, but honestly didn’t know where to turn.

“While on my Internet banking app, I spotted information about financial assistance available through a platform called Lightning Reach, so decided to give it a go.”

“I hadn’t applied for government help, but I didn’t have anything coming in, so it was kind of like a lifeline for me,” she added.

When the £200 came through, it was a “massive relief”.

She used the money for everyday bills and essentials, helping her get through a tough month.

Ellena, who lives in London, was reluctant to apply for benefits or other schemes.

“I think when you’re a certain age – I’m 43 – you were brought up not to ask for help or take financial help,” she explained.

Ellena had never heard of Lightning Reach before, but that click turned out to be a game-changer.

Getting the cash

After following a link to Lightning Reach and filling in a short form about her situation, a whole list of grants popped up that Ellena could apply for.

Lightning Breach offers a filter system that tailors available funds to your specific situation.

Then users can sift through what’s filtered.

“It was really straightforward actually. I didn’t have to wait too long,” she said.

“The requirements were basic: bank details, bank statements, and employment status.”

For Ellena, the Teaching Staff Trust was the best fit and it took her just moments to apply.

Within minutes she was told she could get the £200 cash grant.

“I was quite surprised to receive the money, as I really didn’t expect to,” she said.

It took just over a week and a half for her to receive the cash directly to her bank account.

It solved a lot of her issues all at once, while also not making her feel like she’d taken a handout.

Ellena said: “There’s a stigma attached to asking the government for assistance, but receiving funds from something completely separate like Lightning Reach really took the stigma away for me.

“The portal was very easy to use and access information. It made me feel secure, especially because it was connected to my bank (TSB).”

She added: “It makes you feel like you’re not alone and that other people are going through the same thing.

“This award has eased the burden of upcoming bills and will help alleviate my other costs. The support made a significant difference in reducing my mental health worries.”​​

What is Lightning Reach and how does it work?

TSB’s banking app connects customers to Lightening Reach which can quickly tell struggling households which grants or payments they may be entitled to.

The bank said more than £50,000 has been paid to customers since it started the scheme in April 2023.

Nicola Bannister, Customer Support Director, TSB, said: “Our partnership with Lightning Reach is proving vital to customers with money worries, by connecting them to the financial support they didn’t know existed.

“If you’re struggling with finances talk to your bank – as there may be help readily available to you.”

Lightning Reach officially launched in 2023, and has around 2,500 grants on its portal from an array of organisations, all available to qualifying applicants.

TSB says the average successful applicant receives £1,070 with £10million awarded through the portal so far.

The top types of support awarded through the portal are energy and utilities, food and essential items, furniture and appliances, clothing and housing costs.

Ellena isn’t the only one who has received hundreds of pounds of help through the portal.

Becci James stopped using her car because she couldn’t afford the fuel, but through Lightning Reach, she got £1,000 in extra cost-of-living payments for groceries.

Plus, Jessica Wheeler was struggling to afford even basic essentials for her baby boy before finding the scheme.

She managed to secure £1,240 in payments for baby essentials with the little-known scheme.

If you are not a TSB customer you can access Lightening Reach directly at lightningreach.org/application-portal.

You can also search for grants at Turn2us grants-search.turn2us.org.uk.

How to get support

Nicola also shared her tips if you find yourself struggling with finances.

Contact your bank: Speaking to your bank does not affect your credit rating and can be the first step to finding a better solution and getting financial help. 

Check for unclaimed grants: Lightning Reach and other benefit calculators can make sure you’re not missing out on money you’re entitled to.

Set your budget: Rising bills and prices mean it’s important to know how much money is coming in and going out, so you don’t overspend. 

Look for where you can make savings: Use your banking app to cancel outgoings like Direct Debits and subscriptions you no longer need.

Don’t delay: If you are worried it’s best to take action as soon as you can, rather than allowing the situation to get worse. Organisations like StepChange, Money Helper, the National Debtline or Citizens Advice can all provide free advice if you are struggling with debts.

Where to find financial help

There are several other grants and cash payments you can get if you’re struggling.

Household support fund

You might be able to get help with essential costs from your local council through a programme called the Household Support Fund (HSF).

The funding is designed to help people who are vulnerable or can’t afford to pay for necessities like energy bills, water bills, and food.

Some councils offer food vouchers to families during the school holidays, as well through the scheme.

Eligibility criteria vary by council, so you need to check your local authority’s website to see what’s available and how to apply.

Local welfare assistance schemes

Most councils also have local welfare assistance schemes designed to help families in severe financial hardship.

Again, the eligibility criteria vary by council, and how much you can get will depend on your specific circumstances.

Most councils say they will prioritise families who need urgent access to food.

The support you get could be money, vouchers, or referrals to other organisations such as food banks.

Energy grants from suppliers 

Most major energy firms have grant schemes available to customers struggling to cover their bills.

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the supplier and the amount you can get depends on your financial circumstances.

For example, British Gas or Scottish Gas customers struggling to pay their energy bills can get grants worth up to £1,500.

If your energy company doesn’t have a scheme available, you could consider switching to one that does.

Fuel vouchers

If you’re having difficulty paying your energy bills and use a prepayment meter, or if you use alternative heating sources such as oil, LPG, coal, or wood, you may be eligible for a fuel voucher from your local council.

A fuel voucher gives you credit for your gas and electricity supply without having to pay in advance.

You’ll receive a code in a letter, text message or email which you can use to add the credit.

You can use a fuel voucher at a Post Office, a shop signed up to Payzone or a shop signed up to PayPoint. You’ll need to take the code and a form of ID.

Help paying your water bills

Many water companies provide free water-saving devices to households to help reduce their bills.

Contact your supplier to learn about available assistance and visit the SaveWaterSaveMoney website for more information. You can also check whether you qualify for a discounted water butt.

GetWaterFit says that the average saving per person is £104 a year.

Debt help

If you’re concerned about debt, don’t bury your head in the sand.

Citizens Advice says it’s important to work out a budget and keep an eye on your bank balance.

Try and pay off more than the minimum on credit cards each month, and pay your most expensive credit card first.

If you’ve got several debts and can’t pay them all, it’s important to prioritise.

Your rent, mortgage, council tax and energy bills should be paid first because the consequences can be more serious if you don’t pay.

Groups like Citizens AdviceStepChange and National Debtline can help you manage your debt and negotiate with your creditors.

You should always have a look at what free options are available for managing debt before you turn to a private firm for support.

There’s also a specific government scheme to help manage debt called Breathing Space, which gives you the right to legal protection from creditors for up to 60 days.

The FCA said consumers can get free and impartial advice from the MoneyHelper website or by telephone on 0800 138 7777.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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Here’s how I make yellow-sticker items last up to three days longer and save hundreds of pounds a year

YELLOW sticker bargains can save you hundreds of pounds a year on your food shop – but fail to eat the items fast and you can end up wasting your money instead.

Food waste is an epidemic across the UK, with climate action NGO WRAP estimating around 10.7million tonnes of food was binned in 2021.

a sign in a grocery store that says reduced in price just as nice
Yellow-label discounted items can save money, but don’t last as long[/caption]

Of that figure, 60% came from households chucking away out of date items, from meat to fresh fruit and veg.

Yellow sticker bargains are one way of reducing the damage done, with supermarkets adding them to produce that is slightly damaged or coming up to its expiration date.

This is a great way to save money if you’re able to eat the food quickly.

Ele Clark, retail editor at consumer champion Which?, said: “Supermarkets often have an area dedicated to yellow-stickered products – or red at Aldi.

“It is always worth keeping an eye out for yellow sticker reductions as there can be substantial savings to be had.

“Also consider what items can be frozen if you don’t think you will eat it on the day of purchase.”

Earlier this year, we revealed how one savvy saver saved around £200 on her food bill in one year by buying yellow sticker bargains where possible.

However, you can find you’re throwing away gone off items if you leave them for a few days – and then you’ve wasted your money.

However, there are ways to lengthen their lifespan and save yourself hundreds of pounds a year.

We spoke to experts across the industry to find out how you can keep kitchen staples fresher for longer to save you money.


Bread is a common yellow sticker product on offer at most supermarkets and is a daily essential for many.

Dean Hartper, chef and director at Harper Fine Dining, said the best way to keep bread fresh is to store it in a bread bin made from natural materials like wood or clay.

“These allow the bread to braethe while controlling humidity, which extends its life without drying it out,” he explained.

Jason Webb, managing director of Electronic Temperature Instruments, said it should never be stored in the fridge.

“Bread is one of the top five items most commonly wasted,” he said.

“It should always be stored in a cupboard – if you put it in a fridge, it will stale about six times more quickly because at cooler temperatures, starch tends to crystallise and this process occurs roughly six times faster at refrigerator temperatures than at room temperature.”


Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables in a chef’s arsenal, but there are plenty of mistakes to be made when it comes to storing them.

Vlatka Lake, storage expert at Space Station, explained: “Potatoes keep the longest when stored in a cool, dry, dark place as exposure to moisture and light can lead to rotting.

“Ideal locations include basements or airy cupboards and pantries.

“The same goes for other root vegetables such as turnips
and storing them this way ensures they’ll be good for weeks, or possibly all season long.

“Unlike many other vegetables, they also need to be well-ventilated to prevent premature rotting, so avoid any airtight containers, instead opting for sufficiently perforated bags or baskets.”

Meanwhile, Sophie Trueman, managing director at Too Good to Go, said your spuds should be kept away from onions at all costs.

“Onions can make root vegetables go bad quickly, so it’s better to keep potatoes alongside things like pumpkins or squash in a cool, dark place (often in a paper bag works well) to preserve freshness,” she said.

“A better companion for onions is garlic as they can be stored near each other without ripening or spoiling. Just make sure it’s in a well-ventilated space, and that the skin of the garlic stays intact.”

Other fruit and veg


Avocados are all the rage and a weekend brunch staple, but how to keep them fresh can be a bit of a mystery.

And it depends on what state they’ve been left in.

Kirstie Jones, head of client services and environmental health expert at Navitas Safety, said: “If you’re trying to make them last a little longer, it’s best to keep them in a warmer part of the fridge: not the quick chill draw.

“If the temperatures are too cold, the quality of the avocado can deteriorate.

“If you need to store half an avocado, keep it covered in the fridge and consume in a day or two.”


Bananas are a huge culprit for food waste because they ripen so quickly, particularly when stored in bunches.

To avoid this, separate them and wrap each one individually using baking parchment.

Sophie, from Too Good to Go, explained: “Bananas release a ripening agent called ethylene into the air, and so by wrapping a banana’s stem you can slow this process down.”

If you’ve got any bananas in your fruit bowl and don’t want them ripening any quicker, keep them away from avocados too.

Sophie added: “As one of the fruits that gives off ethylene, bananas are the perfect partner for hard, unripe avocados.

How to save money on your food shop

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save hundreds of pounds a year:

Odd boxes – plenty of retailers offer slightly misshapen fruit and veg or surplus food at a discounted price.

Lidl sells five kilos of fruit and veg for just £1.50 through its Waste Not scheme while Aldi shoppers can get Too Good to Go bags which contain £10 worth of all kinds of products for £3.30.

Sainsbury’s also sells £2 “Taste Me, Don’t Waste Me” fruit and veg boxes to help shoppers reduced food waste and save cash.

Food waste apps – food waste apps work by helping shops, cafes, restaurants and other businesses shift stock that is due to go out of date and passing it on to members of the public.

Some of the most notable ones include Too Good to Go and Olio.

Too Good to Go’s app is free to sign up to and is used by millions of people across the UK, letting users buy food at a discount.

Olio works similarly, except users can collect both food and other household items for free from neighbours and businesses.

Yellow sticker bargains – yellow sticker bargains, sometimes orange and red in certain supermarkets, are a great way of getting food on the cheap.

But what time to head out to get the best deals varies depending on the retailer. You can see the best times for each supermarket here.

Super cheap bargains – sign up to bargain hunter Facebook groups like Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK where shoppers regularly post hauls they’ve found on the cheap, including food finds.

“Downshift” – you will almost always save money going for a supermarket’s own-brand economy lines rather than premium brands.

The move to lower-tier ranges, also known as “downshifting” and hailed by consumer expert Martin Lewis, could save you hundreds of pounds a year on your food shop.

“By storing ripe bananas with unripe avocado, you can speed up the ripening process.”


Berries are the ideal accompaniment to your breakfast porridge, but they can go bad quicker than other fruits.

Sophie, from Too Good to Go, said it will be obvious when they are going off as they’ll sprout mould or change colour.

Bright cherries can turn from bright red to brown when they start to go off, for example.

To make them last longer, pop them in the freezer where they’ll last for months.


It’s well-known that eggs stay well for longer when put in the fridge – but there’s one particular place you won’t want to place them.

Jason, from Electronic Temperature Instruments, said: “Eggs are recommended to be stored within fridges at around four degrees Celsius to remain fresh and safe to consume.

“However, by storing eggs within frequently opened and closed fridge door storage trays, it can lead to a fluctuation and rise in temperature, accelerating egg spoilage.

“With this constant temperature disruption, eggs will rise in temperature away from the optimum four degrees Celsius, and if continuous, it can pose the risk of bacteria such as salmonella.”

Dairy products

And it turns out the same trick to keep eggs from lasting longer works for dairy too.

Vlatka, from Space Station, said: “We tend to store milk in the door of the fridge, but this area is prone to heat fluctuations, due to the constant opening and closing of the door.

“The very top of your refrigerator is the coolest place to store food products such as butter, cheese, and milk.

“If you house your butter in a butter dish on the side, place it in the fridge on those hotter days to stop it from spoiling.”

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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Is it cheaper to buy a house or rent? Property experts give their verdict – as it’s harder than ever to get a home

PAYING for somewhere to live each month is the biggest bill that most of us have to foot.

But there can be a big difference in exactly how much this cost is, depending on whether you have a mortgage or pay rent.

a man is surrounded by 50 and 20 pound notes
It it better value to own or rent a home?

There are pros and cons to owning, as well as renting a home.

Being a tenant can offer flexibility if you don’t want to be tied to an area for a long time.

When you rent a home, it is the landlord’s responsibility to fix appliances that break down or replace items that have become worn over time which can take away some of the responsibility of upkeep on a property.

However, the amount of aesthetic changes you can make to a home are often quite limited.

You may also be restricted on other things such as whether you can own a pet.

The cost alone of renting or buying a home changes over time and often depends on the wider economic backdrop.

However, right now experts say it is harder than ever to get on the property ladder.

Here experts take a look at the current price of both and give their verdict…


There are many different factors that will impact the individual price of a mortgage, but the average cost is largely driven by interest rates.

After more than a decade at rock bottom, the Bank of England started raising rates in 2021 where they peaked at 5.25% last year.

Interest rates were last month cut to 5% but, by recent standards, they’re still pretty high.

In turn this helped push up the cost of mortgages making home-owning more expensive than it was just a few years ago.

For example, the average two-year fixed rate mortgage now stands at 5.53%, according to Moneyfactscompare,co.uk down from 5.94% in May.

However, in September 2021 the average rate was just 2.38%.

It means that on a £200,000 mortgage with today’s typical 5.53% rate, you can expect a repayment cost of £1,231, whereas in 2021 the same mortgage bill would have typically cost £885.


In comparison to mortgages, the main driver of renting prices is demand.

Even if a landlord’s mortgage costs are going up, it is more difficult to raise prices if there is little demand.

On the other hand, more demand means prices will steadily increase.

After the financial crash in 2009, mortgage rules were made much more stringent making it more difficult for buyers to get on the ladder.

Housebuilding has been well below needed levels for many years, which has helped to sustain demand for homes in turn increasing prices.

These factors have left more people renting, helping to push bills sky high.

Property website Rightmove recently found that the average monthly mortgage payment on a typical first-time buyer type property when taking out an average five-year fixed, 85% loan to value mortgage, is now £1,109 per month.

The average cost of rents reached £1,316 a month in July, according to Rightmove.

On face value this makes the cost of renting more expensive than buying.

Many experts agree that buying a home is usually cheaper than renting.

Ben Perks, managing director at Orchard Financial Advisers said: “Renting is expensive and doesn’t give people long-term security.

“Even with the higher interest rates we are currently seeing, it often works out cheaper month on month to buy a property, especially for youngsters.”

Elliott Culley, director at Switch Mortgage Finance, added: “Most first-time buyers I deal with end up paying less per month on a mortgage to the amount they were paying on rent.

“There are upfront costs, such as solicitor costs, but buying a property is cheaper longer term in the majority of cases.

“Not only is it cheaper long term, all your payments are reducing your overall loan and increasing your equity. It also provides long-term security as you are in full control of where you live and for how long.”


Weighing up the exact cost of owning, as well as renting a home is heavily dependent upon your location with supply versus demand in the area having a huge impact.

Generally, speaking demand for renting is higher in cities and the south of the country.

For example, the typical rent in London is a whopping £2,652 a month, according to Rightmove.

Therefore, buying in these locations can often be more affordable than renting – even after factoring in higher house prices.

Earlier this year, Halifax analysis showed that the monthly cost of owning a first home compared to the equivalent rental cost, was higher in nine out 12 UK regions or nations last year.

The only regions where it’s cheaper to own rather than rent, are the South West, London and Scotland, according to the lender

Regionally, renters were making the biggest savings compared to first-time buyers in the East of England, according to the research.

The type of house you are looking to buy or rent can also make a big difference depending on demand.

It means that to accurately weigh up the costs of whether it’s cheaper to buy or rent, you will need to look at the price of a property and work out how much your monthly repayments would be.

Then look at rents for a comparable property in the same region.

Simon Bridgland, director at advisers Release Freedom, said: “The location will make all the difference on what’s more achievable.

“But deposits aside, buying your own home is still the cheaper option and offers a more secure roof over your head, compared to rental property and fragile rental agreements”


Comparing the cost of renting versus owning is not just about current costs – you also need to consider the long term.

Over time, mortgage costs go down – even with changing interest rates – as you pay off more of the loan. When you have paid it off completely, you will no longer have any housing costs to consider which can leave you considerably better off.

When you rent, your bills are only likely to increase as landlords raise the costs every year.

Rather than the money paying off your own mortgage, you are paying off someone else’s mortgage. At the end of the term, they will own the property – not you.

If you only ever rent, you are unlikely to ever get rid of your housing costs.

Kim Kinnaird, mortgages director, Halifax said: “We know home ownership can offer long term financial and living stability and that’s why we believe it’s an important step to take.”

How to get the best deal on your mortgage

IF you're looking for a traditional type of mortgage, getting the best rates depends entirely on what's available at any given time.

There are several ways to land the best deal.

Usually the larger the deposit you have the lower the rate you can get.

If you’re remortgaging and your loan-to-value ratio (LTV) has changed, you’ll get access to better rates than before.

Your LTV will go down if your outstanding mortgage is lower and/or your home’s value is higher.

A change to your credit score or a better salary could also help you access better rates.

And if you’re nearing the end of a fixed deal soon it’s worth looking for new deals now.

You can lock in current deals sometimes up to six months before your current deal ends.

Leaving a fixed deal early will usually come with an early exit fee, so you want to avoid this extra cost.

But depending on the cost and how much you could save by switching versus sticking, it could be worth paying to leave the deal – but compare the costs first.

To find the best deal use a mortgage comparison tool to see what’s available.

You can also go to a mortgage broker who can compare a much larger range of deals for you.

Some will charge an extra fee but there are plenty who give advice for free and get paid only on commission from the lender.

You’ll also need to factor in fees for the mortgage, though some have no fees at all.

You can add the fee – sometimes more than £1,000 – to the cost of the mortgage, but be aware that means you’ll pay interest on it and so will cost more in the long term.

You can use a mortgage calculator to see how much you could borrow.

Remember you’ll have to pass the lender’s strict eligibility criteria too, which will include affordability checks and looking at your credit file.

You may also need to provide documents such as utility bills, proof of benefits, your last three month’s payslips, passports and bank statements.

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I tried cheap school backpacks – the £14 winner was a perfect size and so easy to clean

WHILE uniform rules are pretty strict at most schools, that is not always the case with school bags.

Style will always be the biggest concern for most children with kids choosing everything from Spider-Man and Paw Patrol to more grown-up designs for their belongings.

a woman holds up a backpack that says paw patrol on it
Oliver Dixon
Lynsey Hope tested some backpacks with her children[/caption]
a young boy wearing a tie dye shirt and a red backpack
Oliver Dixon
Lynsey’s son Jacob testing one of the backpacks[/caption]

But you also need to pick a bag that fits their homework, water bottle, pencil case and anything else they pick up in the playground.

Comfort is key too, with some backs feeling too heavy and some shoulder straps not always fitting properly.

You’ll also need to consider how many pockets and compartments your child needs.

Lynsey Hope has tested a range of backpacks with her children Jacob, ten, Olive, seven and Ivy, four.

Here she reveals which came top of the class.

Helly Hansen Marka Juniors’ Backpack

£55, hellyhansen.com

a pink helly hansen backpack with a mesh pocket
Lynsey said this backpack is a good investment
Oliver Dixon

I wouldn’t have wanted to fork out £55 for this bag before seeing it, but actually I was impressed.

I really liked the sporty vibe and the mesh stuff pockets on either side of the bag are perfect for keeping water bottles and other necessities in reach.

The adjustable top lid and side compression straps work together to compress or expand the pack, keeping your cargo from shifting while you are on the move, while the adjustable shoulder straps and harness allow for a more custom fit and comfort.

It also has a reflective patch on the front and reflective piping on the shoulder straps which could be a huge benefit for older children who walk home alone in the winter. A good investment.


Mountain Warehouse Bookwork Backpack

£12.99, mountainwarehouse.com

Oliver Dixon
Lynsey’s daughter Olive also helped with the backpack testing[/caption]

I was surprised by how lightweight this backpack is. Olive, seven, was very keen to take this on her first day and loved the matching pencil case that comes with it.

The shoulder straps were padded, comfy and easy to adjust.

There’s also a mesh pocket for drinks bottles.

It’s a good size and an even better price.


Hello Kitty and Friends School Backpack

£24.99, minisoshop.co.uk

a pink hello kitty backpack with many characters on it
You can buy the Hello Kitty bag for £24.99
Oliver Dixon

A fun and vibrant Hello Kitty design, which is sure to appeal to younger schoolchildren.

The bag feels well made and was substantial enough to hold a few books and school essentials. It was light to carry.

The shoulder straps did slip a little bit and would have benefitted from a chest strap to keep the bag from slipping.

The front pocket was a generous size and it had lots of compartments to help keep items separate.


Flying Tiger Iridescent Backpack

£10, flyingtiger.com

a little girl wearing a dress and a backpack gives a thumbs up
Oliver Dixon
Ivy testing the Flying Tiger Iridescent backpack[/caption]

This really drew the admiring eyes of my daughters with its captivating multi-coloured sheen.

It’s small, holding up to around 1kg max, and not really big enough for school books.

It’s pretty though and a lovely fashion accessory.

It’s also light enough for little ones to carry a few accessories or snacks on days out.

Well made and good quality for the price.


Smiggle Limitless Classic Attach Backpack

£42, smiggle.co.uk

a smiggle backpack with a unicorn on it
Lynsey said both girls wanted this backpack
Oliver Dixon

Smiggle’s substantial backpack has three zipped compartments to store stationary, tech and snacks.

It also has a bottle sleeve on the side and padded, adjustable shoulder straps which the kids said were amongst the comfiest they tried.

Lots of great designs but our favourite was this mint unicorn pattern.

Both girls wanted it – the only downside is the price as it felt quite a big outlay at the start of term.


M&S Kids Paw Patrol Backpack

£14, marksandspencer.com

a blue backpack with paw patrol on it
The M&S Paw Patrol backpack costs £14
Oliver Dixon

Paw Patrol fans will be ready for adventure with this cute backpack.

It’s made with Stormwear innovation material for shower protection and closes with an easy zip fastening.

There is a top handle as well as adjustable shoulder straps.

We liked the pocket options which helped keep things organised, including the zipped pocket on the front and slip pockets on the side which fitted a drinks bottle.

It’s not full-sized so might be a squeeze if you wanted to fit in an A4 folder.

You can pop it in the washing machine at 40C which was fab for keeping it clean as new.


Trixie Backpack Mrs Cat

£39.95, scandiborn.co.uk

a pink backpack with a cat face on it
This backpack is pricey but top quality, said Lynsey
Oliver Dixon

Super soft and comfy, this is a great option if your child generally finds carrying a bag hard work.

The fabric is soft and comfy and the shoulder straps are padded and adjustable.

There is also a chest strap which stops the straps from constantly falling down.

It’s a decent size with a handy front pocket and the zipper was easy for children to open themselves.

It’s made of recycled cotton but has a water repellent coating. Pricey – but top quality.


Disney Spider-Man Backpack

£13.99, disneystore.co.uk

a red and blue backpack with a spider man face on it
School Bag Test with Lynsey Hope, photographed by Oliver Dixon for Sun Features – 27 Aug 2024..Photo shows Disney Store Spider-Man Backpack
Oliver Dixon

A great quality bag for less than £14. It’s a super cool design with web embroidery on the back panel.

There’s a handy front zip pocket and a mesh pocket to hold a drinks bottle on the side.

It’s fully lined with adjustable padded shoulder straps.

Beware it is wipe clean only, but it didn’t show up muck and dirt too easily.

Any Spidey fans will love this for their school adventures.


Sonic Prime Plush Backpack

£19.99, amazon.co.uk

a sonic prime plush backpack in a box
Oliver Dixon
The Sonic Prime backpack costs £19.99[/caption]

A bag with a soft, plush feel to it so kids can imagine they are cuddling up with Sonic himself.

The straps are adjustable, allowing for a good fit and it’s comfortable to carry.

It’s not huge – and wouldn’t fit a pencil case or a book so this is more for play than for school. But it is super cute and cuddly.


Maped Helix Harvard College Backpack

£18, waitrose.co.uk

a boy is holding a red harvard university backpack
Oliver Dixon
This backpack was given a score of 8 out of 10[/caption]

A great option for older school children, this has a large main compartment and a separate padded compartment that would fit a laptop.

There’s also a zipped front pocket and netting on the side for a drinks bottle.

It’s made from recycled polyester with a durable PVC coating to protect the inside of the bag from spills and leaks. Wipe clean finish.

The back panel was ventilated which was great in the warm weather. My sonJacob, ten, loved the design too.


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