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Amazon’s new Project Amelia AI can give you personalized business advice

Amazon's new Project Amelia AI can give you personalized business advice

Amazon has launched a new generative, AI-based personal assistant that helps salespeople streamline their business.

The new chatbot, called Project Amelia, is built on the company’s own managed service, AWS Bedrock, and delivers tailored insights, advice and business metrics to improve productivity and drive growth.

The hope is that the Seattle-based e-commerce giant can help independent sellers solve complex business challenges such as product development, regulatory compliance, advertising, sales forecasting and inventory management, further closing the gap with established competitors.

Amazon to Help Smaller Sellers with GenAI

Sellers can ask Amelia questions and get guidance almost instantly. And as we’ve come to expect from generative AI tools, Amelia is designed to learn from a seller’s unique business needs to provide personalized insights.

Amazon’s new AI, which is specifically designed for sellers, is rolling out first in the US and will focus on three primary tasks: answering knowledge base questions, providing updates and statistics on business status, and resolving issues.

Mary Beth Westmoreland, VP of Worldwide Selling Partner Experience, said, “We always strive to provide our selling partners with the most effective tools and capabilities to make it easier for them to start and grow a successful business.”

In the near future, Amazon also wants to help sellers solve more complex issues and enable Amelia to take action on their behalf.

The beta will roll out to more US merchants in the coming weeks, with international expansion planned for later this year.

Westmoreland added: “This is just the beginning for Project Amelia. As sellers begin to interact with it, the technology will learn and evolve, leading to richer and more personalized responses, with deeper insights and advice specific to sellers’ business needs.”

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