web hit counter When my ex couldn’t make his mind up about me, you helped me make the break – See The Stars

When my ex couldn’t make his mind up about me, you helped me make the break

DEAR DEIDRE: MY ex was like Jekyll and Hyde – he’d be all over me one day, then disappear and ghost me for the next three.

It made me so unhappy and insecure that after months of this, I ended the relationship.

But even after we’d split, I felt so confused and needed answers. That’s why I wrote to you.  

I’m 23 and he’s 25. We were together for a year.

After I broke up with him, he blocked me instantly. That really hurt as I didn’t get the closure I needed. 

You told me I’d done the right thing by ending the relationship, as I had no future with him.

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But you said I might never get closure. It was possible he had someone else, or he was simply unstable. 

You advised me to talk to a counsellor and read your support pack, Mend Your Broken Heart. 

A few months on, I am so much happier and realise how having him in my life was affecting my own mental health. 

I now feel much more together, stronger and calmer. 

Thank you Deidre.



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DEIDRE SAYS: Sometimes, it’s hard to see how unhealthy a relationship is until you’re out of it.

I’m glad you’ve realised this man was bad news, and are yourself again.

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