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Blood pressure tablets have made it impossible for me to climax

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE I started taking tablets for my high blood pressure, it’s been impossible for me to ejaculate during sex.

While I’ve done my best to reassure my wife it has nothing to do with her, I can tell it’s getting her down.

I’m 62, my wife is 58 and we’ve been married for twenty-five years.

We’ve always had a really good sexual relationship, but over the past few months, whenever we have had sex I’ve been unable to climax, no matter how long we’ve tried for.

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure six months ago and while my doctor did warn me that this may be a side effect, I never expected it to impact my sex life as much as it has.

My wife has tried to be understanding but it’s really starting to take a toll on our relationship.

Even my sex drive has dropped off because I get so worried about getting intimate and disappointing her again.

How can I fix this?

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Deidre says: While blood pressure medicines can make it more difficult, try to remember that good sex is about far more than reaching a climax.

Instead of getting caught up focusing on the end goal, instead, enjoy and savour the whole experience and try to find pleasure in the intimacy you’re sharing along the way.

You may even find taking the focus and pressure away will make it easier.

My support pack, Find It Hard To Climax, can help. Also, consider talking to your GP – they may be able to change your medication.



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