web hit counter Vet reveals the dog breeds that have a ‘40% increased risk of early death’ – including a pet that only lives 5 years – See The Stars

Vet reveals the dog breeds that have a ‘40% increased risk of early death’ – including a pet that only lives 5 years

A VET revealed the three canine breeds that have the shortest life spans on average.

The dog expert shared the approximate amount of time each pet lives for.

a man with a stethoscope around his neck is wearing a scrub top that says fbi
TikTok user and vet Alex shared the three dog breeds with the shortest life spans
a large white dog with a pink tongue laying on a wooden surface

The canine expert revealed that Caucasian Shepherds only live for an average of five years (stock image)[/caption]

In his viral video, TikTok user Alex (@alex_thevet) discussed the life expectancy of different breeds.

He cited a scientific report that stated that larger breeds have a 20% increased chance of dying sooner than a smaller dog.

With this in mind, the vet named the breeds with the shortest life spans.

Alex revealed that Caucasian Shepherds only live an average of 5.4 years.

He also shared that the Presa Canario is expected to live approximately 7.7 years.

And finally, the Cane Corso breed usually averages just over eight years.

The vet also explained that flat-faced dogs such as French Bulldogs, have a 40% increased risk of early death compared to other dogs.

This is likely a result of breathing issues, which result in an average of 9.9 years for breeds effected compared to the 13.1 years expected for a border collie.

The canine expert broke down other statistics relating to the life span of dogs.

He explained that female dogs generally live longer than males but “not by much,” with the former averaging 12.7 years and latter 12.4 years.

The study Alex referred to also found that mixed breeds live 1.2 years longer than a pure bred dog of a similar size.

He added that neutered dogs tend to live longer than non-neutered pooches.

Alex also revealed the breeds with the longest average life spans, including miniature dachshunds, 14 years, Tibetan Spaniels, 15.2 years, Lancashire Heelers, 15.4 years.

TikTok users shared their thoughts on the information in the comments section.

“We had a Tibetan Spaniel growing up, he was 19 when he had to be put down,” wrote one viewer.

Vet Dr. Rachel Siu reveals the 5 dogs she’d never own

By Marsha O’Mahony


Beautiful, intelligent, and super-active, like a Border Collie, a Husky is a working dog and likes to keep busy.

If you lead a sedentary life, then this guy is not for you, and you are not for him.

It should be no surprise that Huskies love the cold – look at that coat of fur. So, living in 110 degrees in Texas is pretty grim for these dogs.


Adorable, cute, funny, and they can be very expensive.

The basic physiology of these sausage dogs does them no favours. “Because of their long backs, they’re really prone to intervertebral disc disease,” said Dr. Rachel.

You would be wise to keep a pot of money aside just in case because back surgery is likely to be expensive.


These lolloping, loving, and gregarious dogs are “goofballs.”

But they have short lifespans, developing health issues early on in life. Prepare yourself for heartbreak.


These are the current “it” dog, they are everywhere. They can be mixed with pretty much any other breed.

Their popularity has soared in recent years, with pet owners attracted to their low maintenance and hypoallergenic qualities.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth, said our vet.

“These dogs are often mixed with shedding dogs so they do shed and they also need grooming very frequently,” she wrote.

Their temperament is unpredictable and she has seen some that are wonderful to work with and others who have serious behavioral problems.


These guys are adorable but they have serious respiratory problems. Genetics are not on the side of any brachycephalic dog.

“I just would not own them,” she said. “They’re just not a healthy breed. They struggle to breathe with their smooshed faces.”

Like the Dachshund, they also suffer from intervertebral disc disease.

“No matter how long a dog lives, we who love our dogs all agree that they never live long enough,” said another follower.

“Two of my terrier type dogs lived until 22 and 21, and another one died of cancer at 16,” commented a third person.

“Wish I could like link my lifespan to my dogs,” wrote another TikTok user.

“I have Tibetan Spaniels and you regularly see them still being shown at 15 years old,” said one viewer.

“They are known for living over 20 years. And usually very healthy! They’re an amazing breed.”

a large brown dog laying in the grass with its eyes closed

The Presa Canario breed is also known for having a shorter than average life span (stock photo)[/caption]

a large black dog sitting on a purple carpet
According to the vet, the Cane Corso breed tends to only live for an average of eight years (stock image)

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