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Lawton-Bronson School Board Minutes — August 12, 2024

Regular Board Meeting

Lawton-Bronson Community School District

Library – 100 Tara Way, Lawton, Iowa

Monday, August 12, 2024

7:00 p.m.

The Lawton-Bronson Community Schools District will prepare all students to  contribute productively to the global world of work and community.

  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Mission Statement
  3. Roll Call

Garnand, White, Reinke, Mesz present. Sappingfield absent.

  1. Welcome Visitors and Guests
  2. Public Forum
  3. Approval of Agenda – Additions or deletions may be requested by Board members, visitors, or Administrators. An agenda which has been posted more than twenty-four hours prior to a scheduled meeting may be amended to include additional matters only if good cause exists requiring expeditious discussions or action on such matters.

Garnand moved to approve the agenda. Mesz seconded. All in favor.

Code of Iowa, Chapter 21 – Open Meetings Law

  1. Communications
  2. Board member update

Mesz commented that the Woodbury country fair went well for LB FFA and 4H.

  1. Reports
  2. Superintendent’s Report

Staff reports for the first day of in-service on August 20th. We will start with our annual welcome back breakfast. Both principals have sent agendas to their respective staff for our 3 in-service days. School starts on August 23rd. It will be great to have kids back and our desks filled!

Jake Sheets our technology director has been very busy this summer gearing up for the new school year. Two factor authentication and server security are the main things.

Maintenance staff has also been working very hard this summer to renew our campuses. We are so lucky to have employees who take so much pride in how our campuses look. Major project for the summer was the Jr/Sr. High School roof and it its about 90% complete. The greenhouse in 100% complete. And with the end of the baseball/softball season repairs are underway for fencing and dugouts.

Jamey Lloyd, athletic director, along with Dee McKenna, parent, are working on writing a MRHD grant for $250,000. This would go towards our athletic complex facilities improvements for fencing and backstops. We will know if we are awarded this mid to late September.

  1. Monthly financial reports

Miller presented monthly financial reports.

  1. Board Bill Auditor Report

Reinke did not have any questions on board bills.

  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Approve minutes of previous meeting
  3. Approve bills payable
  4. Approve budget summaries

White moved to approve the consent agenda. Mesz seconded. All in favor.

  1. Personnel
  2. Approve resignation of head varsity baseball coach

Mesz moved to approve the resignation of Ryan Denney as head varsity baseball coach. Garnand seconded. All in favor.

  1. New Business
  2. Approve 2024-2025 Elementary school parent/student handbook

White moved to approve the 2024-2025 Elementary school parent/student handbook. Garnand seconded. All in favor.

  1. Approve substitute teacher pay increase

White moved to approve the substitute teacher pay increase to $150 per day. Garnand seconded. All in favor.

  1. Approve resolution ordering an election on the issuance of GO Bond

White moved to approve the resolution ordering an election on the issuance of $16,955,000 of General Obligation School Bonds. Mesz seconded. Garnand, eye; White, eye; Reinke, eye; Mesz, eye.

  1. Approve Attorney engagement letter for GO Bond issuance

Mesz moved to approve the attorney engagement letter for the GO Bond issuance with Ahlers and Cooney. White seconded. All in favor.

Mesz moved to adjourn. Garnand seconded. All in favor.

  1. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.


Dennis Reinke, Board President


Mercedees Miller, Board Secretary

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