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Moville City Council Minutes — September 4, 2024

Moville City Council –Wednesday, September 4, 2024 

Call to order at 6:30pm. Roll Call: John Parks, Paul Malm, via zoom, Calvin Mellies, Jared Rapp, and Bret Hayworth are present at 6:30pm.  Malm motions to approve agenda, seconded by Mellies.  Ayes, motion carries.  Hayworth motions to approve the Minutes from the last meeting, seconded by Rapp.  Ayes, motion carries.  Rapp motions to approve utility billing trial balance, seconded by Parks. Ayes, motion carries. Guest’s present include Chad Thompson, Joe Barnes, Tom Conolly, Matt Jackson, Jeff Powell, Mishelle Powell, Tanner Ploen, Chelsea Lux, Dennis Peterson, Eli Honken, Emma Hannasch, and Joel Robinson joins us.

Dennis Peterson spoke at Open Forum regarding the City’s need for a Dog Park and questioned if the city has any land available for this particular use. Emma Hannasch spoke on behalf of a necessity for a dog park as well.  A sub-committee will meet and discuss at a later date.  Dennis also volunteered to seek out grants for this need. Mishelle Powell added the need for a drinking fountain for animals and asked the Council about the current water fountain on the walking path and if it is operational especially for animals to get a drink? Matt Jackson spoke at open forum regarding nuisances for both business and residential areas around town to include vehicles, junk piling up, weeds, and volunteer trees.  His focus, like many is our Main Street Business District area and alleys.  “Let’s get this stuff cleaned up” he was quoted. Matt did mention he can assemble a group of volunteers to help clean up these eyes sores.  Chelsea Lux complimented on how nice Main Street looked over the weekend when everyone had to clear off for the parking lines to be painted over Labor Day weekend.  No one else wishes to speak.

Parks motions to Open Public Hearing on the authorization of a loan and disbursement agreement and the issuance of notes to evidence the obligation of the city thereunder at 6:50 pm, Mellies seconded. Ayes carried. No written or oral objections were made per City Clerk Peterson.  Hayworth motions to close the public hearing at 6:52 pm, seconded by Mellies. Ayes motion carried.

Hayworth approves resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action, seconded by Mellies. Ayes motion carried. Parks motions to approve and authorize a form of interim loan and disbursement agreement by and between the City of Moville, Iowa, and the Iowa Finance Authority, and authorizing and providing for the issuance and securing the payment of $1,040,700 water revenue capital loan notes anticipation project note, series 2024, of the City of Moville, Iowa under the provisions of the Code of Iowa, and providing for a method of payment of said notes, Seconded by Hayworth. Ayes, motion carries.  Mellies motions to approve Resolution fixing a date for a meeting on the proposition to authorize a loan agreement and the issuance of notes to evidence the obligations of the city thereunder, seconded by Rapp. Ayes, motion carries.

No Fire Department update was given at this time. Chief Barnes gave an update on the Police Department for August. They had 41 calls for service, 39 written traffic warnings, 12 citations and 1 motor vehicle accident.  They were pleased to assist with the Woodbury County Fair and had the privilege to support Camp High Hopes during their fundraiser. The PD is excited for the kids to safely head back to Woodbury Central for the school year. Officers attended NCIC training and Officer Alavez participated in a three-day intensive training focused on identifying drug activity. September is Suicide Prevention Month the officers will be wearing their pins on their uniforms to raise awareness.

Hayworth motions to approve the Resolution approving Bainbridge Construction Contract for the Frontage Road Project, seconded by Rapp. Ayes, motion carries.

The Council consensus is to have Attorney Thompson draft an amendment to the existing ordinance for parking in the Central Business District to read: All Night. No such vehicle, motor truck, semi-truck, or other motor vehicle with an attached trailer shall be left unattended or parked upon any of the following designated streets or alleys for a period of time longer than 24 hours of any day. (A. Main Street, on the south side from 1st Street through 326 Main Street. B. Main Street, on the north side from 1st Street through 319 Main Street. C. Main Street, one block west of 1st Street) (all parking area located south of City Hall and north of the fire station) and to include an in depth paragraph stating, No person shall dismantle or repair any vehicle on a street, alley, or other public place in the city, except as may be necessitated by an existing unavoidable emergency. No person shall permit a dismantled or inoperative vehicle to park or stand on any street, alley, or other public place in the city for more than one day, where the extent of the dismantled or inoperative condition is such that it could not be pushed or pulled off the place by rolling on its own wheels in case of emergency. Jeff Powell of J & J Motors agreed this would work best for his business on Main Street as well.

Dave Christensen our Building Inspector presented a work in progress to the council for moving forward on nuisances on Main Street and in alleys.  He sent out 58 letters/notices of nuisances around the town to include the Business District on Main Street and in the alleys.  Attorney Thompson explains to the Council and citizens that this can be a long drawn out legal process and if it comes down to it, may also cost the city in legal fees.

The City Council goes into a closed session at 7:17 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1) (c) motioned by Parks and seconded by Hayworth. Ayes, motion carries. At around 7:36 p.m. Rapp motions to leave closed session, seconded by Hayworth.  Ayes, motion carries.  No action taken. Council concerns and comments were shared.

With no further business Rapp motions to adjourn at 7:45pm, seconded by Hayworth. Ayes, motion carries-meeting closed.

Michaela Peterson                                  Scott Linden

City Clerk                                                     Mayor

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