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A colleague is spreading malicious lies about me around the office

DEAR DEIDRE: A colleague is spreading malicious lies about me at work, and it’s making me feel so stressed and anxious.

I now dread going into the office because I’m sure everyone is talking about me – and that they all believe the rumours. I’m at the end of my tether.

I’m a 44-year-old divorced man. 

This colleague, who is older than me, has never liked me because he sees me as competition and feels he was passed over for a promotion which I got. 

From what I can work out, he’s been telling people that I was inappropriate with a younger female colleague.  

He saw me with my arm around her in the corridor and jumped to conclusions.

The truth is, she was crying and I was comforting her. She doesn’t want anyone to know why.

Please help. This is ruining my career and my life.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Having lies spread about you is both distressing and very serious, as it’s slander. 

Talk to your line manager and to Human Resources and let them know what’s happening. 

If possible, ask the female colleague if she’ll back you up. And tell other colleagues the rumours are baseless.

If you’re a member of a union, contact them too. You can also find independent workplace advice through Acas (acas.org.uk, tel: 0300 123 1100).

It might be worth speaking directly to your colleague and asking him to set the record straight. But take advice on this first. 

My support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, should help you have this conversation.



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