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Students practice wildland fire exercise at Broadmoor World Arena

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — On Friday, Sept. 13 students from Cheyenne Mountain School District 12 (D12) participated in a wildland fire exercise at the Broadmoor World Arena.

More than 300 students and 50 staff took part in the exercise along with the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management, the Colorado Springs Fire Department, and the Colorado Springs Police Department.

All D12 students had a fire drill in the morning at school, then students were taken to the Broadmoor World arena for the reunification exercise.

“This is really a reunification process, and while we have done some reunification processes just at a school level, we want to try it on a larger scale just to ensure that we’re strong and solid with the kinds of things that we’re working on for reunifying communications, the protocols in place for that effort.” said Dr. David Peak, Superintendent of D12.

Neighboring Colorado Springs School District 11 and Harrison School District 2 helped out with transportation assistance.

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