web hit counter I can’t get a strong erection and my wife is fed up – I fear our marriage is over – See The Stars

I can’t get a strong erection and my wife is fed up – I fear our marriage is over

DEAR DEIDRE: WHY can’t I get a strong erection any more?

I’m 65 years old and have been married to my wife who is 63 for 40 years.

We always had an active sex life – until I hit my sixties when suddenly my problems started.

We’ve tried everything but nothing has worked. Now me and my wife don’t have sex and our relationship has taken a hit.

It feels like we’re two friends living in our home together.

We argue more and I know my wife no longer feels attractive.

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She says that if I still fancied her then we wouldn’t be having any issues but this couldn’t be further from the truth, she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Now she is spending more time with her friends and at work. It’s like she’s constantly avoiding me.

All of the passion in our relationship is gone, we don’t even kiss each other goodnight any more.

We met almost 45 years ago and she was my first love.

I remember the first time when I saw her at a dance and I knew she was the one, immediately.

It makes me so sad but I feel my marriage is over and that the right thing to do would be to set her free.

That way, she could find someone else who can fulfil her sexually in a way that I can’t.

But we have three beautiful children and eight grandchildren, who would be devastated if we divorced.

All I want to do is save my sex life and marriage.



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DEIDRE SAYS: It isn’t uncommon for men’s erections to become weaker as they age.

The nerves in the penis get less sensitive with older men and this, coupled with a drop in testosterone levels, means more older men experience erectile dysfunction.

It’s really important to visit your doctor to rule out any possible underlying medical reasons.

Keep trying to reassure your wife you still find her attractive and are going to the doctor to get help.

My support pack Erection Problems will be good for both of you to read and explains more.

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